Top Tips To Help You Pass Your Driving Test
Passing your driving test is easier than you think.
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I passed my theory test with no problems but the practical test I must say I am totally dreading! The thing is with me I am very hard on myself and if I make a little mistake it seems to affect me more than it should. I think it's because I have always done well at things like exams/degree/work and I strive for perfection and I keep thinking why can't I learn to drive like everyone else! It's taken me more lessons than 'average' to get to the stage which my instructor says I'm ready for the test.
It Is Very Rare That A Pupil Is Not Nervous - You Are Not Alone.
When thinking about your test or actually doing it, bare this in mind:
- Should you fail, it is NOT the end of the world.
- Don't worry about the test - I am sure that you could think of a lot better and more important things to worry about.
- It is just another 'drive' - only difference is that there is someone else sitting there telling you where to go.
- It is nice to be perfect but it is not required. If you do make a mistake - get over it, move on. If you try and assess it on your drive, you will make more mistakes. The mistake may not be as serious as you think! Let the examiner worry about it - not you.
- 3 to 4 minutes into the test, you WILL have settled in and the nerves gone.
- The examiners are only people, just like you and are nothing special. They are NOT out to fail you or to make you feel they are superior - they are not.
- Look at all the idiots in the road - they passed the test!
- Try to think of yourself as a 'Driver' rather than a learner. After all that is likely what you will be 40 minutes after the start of your test.
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