Xbox 360 Accessories: Enhancing Gaming

by Paul Wise

The Xbox 360 Hard Drive is among the most indispensible of all Xbox 360 Accessories. After all, it is the main memory system. Think about it: practically all operations involving Read-Only Memory (ROM) - and they almost all involve ROM exclusively - have to resort to the hard drive, also known as the hard disk. And in a further reflection of its Personal Computing (PC) roots, the Xbox 360 hard drive is available in various capacities, or sizes. Puny compared to PC standards, the different orders of fixed disk (that's another term for hard disk or hard drive) storage are more than enough for the overwhelming majority of the Xbox 360's likely needs.

Various Xbox 360 accessories enhance the gaming experience for that platform, but only one is absolutely vital. The Xbox 360 hard drive used to be fairly overlooked when it came to purchasing decisions, though that's been changing in all these years the console has been available on the market. As more and more consumers realize the tangible benefits of larger data storage, it's even possible that they will migrate onto PC gaming - for that is what the Xbox really is, after all, a personal computer dressed up as a gaming console. And it is in this respect that the Xbox has been the most mod able, or user-modifiable, of all the platforms - though Microsoft still fairly discourages such hobbies.

When speaking of Xbox 360 accessories in this day and age, however, mention must be made of the most revolutionary one of all. Not as integral to the Xbox experience as the hard disk, strictly speaking, it is nonetheless a veritable vista into a whole new world of video gaming and electronic entertainment in general. It is a "magic eye" that will be mounted separately from the console but will continuously relay data to it, information on the player's movements, akin to a wireless controller with an accelerometer built-in for purposes of determining human kinetics. Yet with this upcoming invention of Microsoft's, there is nothing to hold in one's hand and indeed one's very body - one's very self - is the controller! Spatial data regarding the player is sensed by this electronic eye and fed to the Xbox for a whole new order of immersive experience. Imagine playing a first-person shooter like Halo or Medal of Honor where turning your head right causes your onscreen perspective to change accordingly, with scenery rightwards of your alter ego viewed in keeping with your off-screen real-world movements!

About the Author

Article written by Paul. After Extensive research in the gaming industry, Paul recommends for Xbox 360 Hard Drive.

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