Supporting an Essential Gland

by Mitamins Team

<p>The most common problems affecting the thyroid are over- or under-active glands. Hypothyroidism is the name of the condition in which one's thyroid glands are under-active, releasing too little thyroid hormone. With hypothyroidism, the sufferer may experience sluggishness, excess fatigue, dry skin, anxiety, and depression. With hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland releases too much thyroid hormone. Some symptoms of hyperthyroidism are increased appetite along with weight loss; fatigue, yet trouble sleeping; heart palpitations and irritability. The thyroid gland support natural supplement is designed to support optimal health of the thyroid, thus hopefully avoiding thyroid malfunction.</p>

<p>This natural supplement formula for <b>thyroid gland support</b> contains important components necessary for optimal function of the thyroid gland; for example, Bladderwrack Extract, Iodine in which is essential for the creation of the thyroid hormone (regulates growth, development and energy metabolism), and L-Tyrosine, which is another key component of the thyroid hormone.</p>

<p><b>Main Function</p></b>

<p>The thyroid gland secretes hormones to regulate many metabolic processes, including growth and energy expenditure. If the thyroid gland is either overactive or sluggish, the metabolism will be affected, leading to a variety of symptoms. This <b>natural thyroid gland support supplement</b> may prevent these symptoms. These symptoms, which can get very serious, can seem similar to other conditions. Thyroid problems might be missed because the symptoms include such conditions as fatigue, slight decline of mental faculties, depression, and anxiety. A person with a malfunctioning thyroid might assume that he or she is overworked, feeling the effects or old age, or depressed. In fact, the thyroid might be the cause. Many people assume that thyroid symptoms are symptoms of natural aging, so they may be hard to catch initially, however. It is therefore important to pay attention to the condition of the thyroid. In this thyroid gland support supplement, Iodine in bladderwrack is essential for the production of thyroid hormones.</p>

<p><b>Ingredients Description</p></b>

<p>This <b>natural supplement for thyroid gland support</b> contains vitamins and minerals to support optimal thyroid function. Vitamin C and the Vitamin B Complex are important in a thyroid supplement. They play key roles in the overall functioning of the immune system and the thyroid gland. Iodine in Bladderwrack Extract is essential for the creation of the thyroid hormone (it regulates growth, development and energy metabolism) and therefore useful for inclusion in this thyroid gland supplement. L-Tyrosine is another key component of the thyroid hormone. The extra Zinc with Copper in this thyroid gland supplement may also help to boost thyroid functioning, as studies have indicated that Zinc deficiency may be associated with hypothyroidism, and as Copper is needed for long-term use of Zinc. </p>

About the Author

<p>Author Bio: </p> <p>Mitamins team</p> &lt;p></p> <p>Thyroid Gland Support - Find Authoritative Natural Treatment Information, Plus Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements for Thyroid Gland Support, Symptoms, Causes.</p>

<p><b>Natural Thyroid Gland Support Supplement</b></p>

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