We would all like to attract more success in our life and the money that comes with it. But we are tired of listening to those old promises: change your life to become rich. Probably you have heard them all and possibly tried to implement them with no success at all. That does not mean those methods do not work. They could work for you if you have had somebody who would take time to lead you through those changes one needs to do to be successful. If I want to reborn into money making machine, there are steps to follow. Listening to hollow phrases like: “Be happy and it will come to you” that will simply not work. No, we all need a checklist of things that have to be done, a list of instructions how we should do them, a detailed schedule of when we should implement them and a strong motivation guide that repeatedly remembers us of the prize waiting for us on the end of that road. Last but not least we need to know in advance how much will each step of that way cost us.
We need those money making assembly instructions. You need to hear which bolt comes into which hole, which joint fits your needs and how you should assembly those essential parts of your life to make them work for you. And I mean for you, not for everybody, just for you. Well face the truth. If you are too fat, no H&M clothes will fit you. You will need a tailor and that tailor will cost you money. But when you see yourself in that tailor made suit, the result will be: UAAAU that looks GREAT.
For becoming rich, you can not make any use of bestseller titles like “get rich and wealthy”. Those are telling you what you will have to become if you wish to be successful. Yes, they will tell you how you should be positive, that you should smile more, how you should save more, exercise more, drink more, smoke less,…whatever. And there is no book out there that would tell you how YOU can become like that (not your neighbour neither 10 millions of people that bought that “get rich fast book”) ! ! ! You and I we both need that step by step money making assembly instruction that fits our own life 100%.
Regardless to how much some people try to improve their live, there is always that unpredictable factor of luck to be considered as well. Some people just have too much bad luck in their life. Even though the “attraction law” personal growth philosophy makes it possible to avoid bad luck or makes it possible to interpret bad luck as something “not so bad to be influenced by it” some events in your life will simply break your spirit for a while. It is certainly something that will happen to you sooner or later. The secret is not how to ignore them; the real secret is how to accept them. Real personal growth begins with learning that bad luck will be accompanying you throughout your life, but then again you have to learn, that in majority of cases there was nothing possible to prevent it. It is a part of the universal law, teaching us that things will sometimes go wrong and each road to success brings hurdles with it.
One advice to be followed is to accept bad luck but do not draw your motivation from it. For example if I loose my job, my motivation will be coming out from the fear of not being able to pay my bills. That motivation coming from unfortunate events is a short term motivation, which always brings bitterness with it. In the case of loosing job try to find motivation in your skills, that make you good in what you do. That will bring you much further, much faster, and there is a touch of sweetness in that thought of being good at doing something.
Looking at old people, they all seem to understand there is no use what so ever to pump energy from fear, anger or disappointment. It is on us to accept that wisdom now, or wait for life to teach us the hard way.
The success comes with detailed assembly instructions behind it, and a part of those instructions is learning that our live is no better or no worse than anyone else’s. But we can make our life a different one than anyone else’s. There is no universal law out there that could prevent us doing that.
About the Author
Melanie is the owner of the site: . She lives and breaths with The Secret philosophy. Melanie is today independent, well situated mom, thanks to following The Secret program. She knows better than anyone else how one has the power to turn his life upside down – positively or negatively. For The Secret program presented on OPRAH watch video at
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