Why Invest in Gold & Silver
Gold and Silver investment has historically been something reserved for large fortunes or for the government of each country. All these great fortunes have started their empires with precious metals investments which was, is and will be the key and the core of their power. That is a circumstance that has changed in the past last years.
Every time more and more investors are looking for different ways of making profits as well as ways for obtaining things as important as tranquility, security, future planification, etc. And from all the different possible reasons of Why Invest in Precious Metals, we have chosen a few of them, here they are:
a) Gold is more than just another commodity, it’s a currency. It is THE currency that evolved in the marketplace over the last 5,000 years.
b) Gold and silver are the only currencies not created and controlled by governments.
c) Governments end up creating too much currency out of thin air. All currencies in the past have ended up worth very little, collapsing into hyperinflation or threatening to.
d) Governments will make our money worth less to pay off their record debts. Governments can print money to pay off their debts. But they can't create gold.
e) In the pain of the post-bubble period, governments will come under pressure to return to backing their currencies with gold.
f) Returning to currencies backed by gold is practical. Even the possibility that it might happen will cause the value of gold to rise considerably.
g) Governments and central banks have been suppressing the price of gold since 1995 by lending and selling their gold. They won’t be able to keep it up forever. Then the price of gold and silver will soar.
h) When you buy gold investments, you lower risk in your investment portfolio.
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