Princess Party Ideas - Give Your Little Girl the Royal Treatment

by John Lenaghan

If you've got a special little girl between the ages of about 3 & 7, then a princess birthday party could be the big social event of the year!

When looking for princess party ideas, it’s obvious to think of pink but don’t limit your imagination to pink fluffy dresses and pink frosting for birthday cakes. With some imagination, your ideas can create a very special party!

Let’s start with decorations. Helium balloons can create a stunning castle arch and once your guests are indoors then have them sit on a princess throne for a souvenir photo in an overstuffed chair which has been decorated with floral garlands, crepe paper or shiny fabric.

Activities for Princess Parties Princesses love to wear crowns. You can buy inexpensive plastic crowns as well as fake "jewels" for each princess to make a birthday party hat. Inexpensive beading sets can be used to make princess jewelry. Invite a storyteller to the party to read a dramatic fairy tale or two involving a princess. Or give your princesses a chance to act out their own plays based on simple fairy tales.

Games for a princess party might include a poster of a white knight on a horse instead of the old pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game. Invite each princess to build a castle of marshmallows, gumdrops, soft candies and toothpicks. Ideas don’t need to be complex but they should involve action if your princesses are between the ages of 4 – 7.

Birthday party food ideas to feed your princesses include ladyfinger sandwiches, small servings of tea, dainty pastries and other “princess” finger foods. A birthday cake for a princess can be decorated with a blue frosting pond with Frog Prince seated on a lily pad.

Let your birthday creativity rule for great ideas and great fun!

About the Author

John Lenaghan offers party planning tips & ideas at the Party Ideas 4u website. Download our free party planning checklist at

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