How Different are YOU?

by Robin Rushlo

Copyright (c) 2007 Robin Rushlo

We all have choices. In this Industry there's the well-worn almost an auto-pilot course of a road called: Hype - False Promises - False Expectations - It's Easy - I'll do all the work for you - All you have to do is Join...Unfortunately... This road is traveled the most.

There's another road that is known for being one that is paved with Integrity - Practicality - Realistic Hope and Expectations - Honesty - Accountability - Mutually Beneficial Relationships...This road is by far Less Traveled. Because of this fact, and it's a pretty well-kept Secret...It has to be blazed by the visionaries, the brave, the one with a Big Why, (The power of why), the One that cares, the Servant leader, (the one willing to give it all away) and the ones that know that this road alone guarantees the arrival to the desired Destination - Personal Freedom & Independence for all who are not easily guided off its path. The choice facing you and I today is this... Which road will I be traveling on today?

Identify for yourself the road you've been traveling on, and make sure it's the one that will get you to your Destination ( Does it Match your why?).

The one that will get you to where you want to arrive - has already been tested and proven - over time by literally 1,000's to be foolproof - if implemented.(Written Goals do work)The funny thing is - it's not an obvious Choice to consider - initially. It isn't very worn and that's sometimes puzzling at first. The reason why it's not very worn is because...of the little word WORK. It takes people joined together (A TEAM)- looking out for the best interest of others and always putting the other first - taking slow and deliberate - tested and proven steps - consistently over a period of time - to arrive at the desired destination. You see the grass is greener on the best road, because it happens to grow there due to the fact it's traveled less.

It isn't mainstream.

Are you wiling to step out of the main stream to find the gold in the smaller stream? The different one or the one no one uses ?It does take skill and work to travel this road, and at a pace that actually protects the path by being worn completely away in the process. You know, from those racing through it - by themselves - at others expense. Remember, all those you step on and knock down on your way up will be there to let you drop on your way down. Stop and look around and see the bodies you are leaving hurt all around. It is so much easier to reach down and help them up and it may only take a minute to say, "great Job" or "you look great today, keep it up".

Those that choose to go it alone, even on the right path - only end up being lost and off track because they failed to realize the importance of sticking together, and looking out for the best interest of the others they came across in their travels. So much easier to climb the mountain when two of three are helping each other regardless who makes it to the top first. Those only out for themselves get lost and frustrated because they were bent on - trying to climb over and knock down everyone else - because they were in it for themselves and in a big hurry - looking out for only themselves.

Traveling the right road, the one less traveled - will make all the difference in your Business and even more in your Life! Be a servant Leader and get to the top faster.

My quote to show the point: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." - American poet Robert Frost (1875-1963)

About the Author

If you want a Free cd about what teh Heavy hitters of MLM WILL not tell you or to Join "Robin's Renegagdes" you need to comtact Dr Robin Rushlo at or start today at http://www.cashwithbooks . Remember you can also learn more of the 35 years in Network Marketing from Dr Robin Rushlo at Have a great day and get your other freebies at Thanks

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