Financial Freedom Is For Those Who Want It

by Dan Pattison

Recently I watched an old documentary on why America fights it’s wars and discovered something amazing. The reasons behind most of what we think and do on a daily basis is more simple than you think. Freedom and Liberty.

Before I was even thought of freedoms bell rang loud and clear for all the world to hear. It took me till the age of 28 to realize what that sound was.

For years I have been striving to find a better way to make money with no results, at least none that I liked anyway. Now with the Internet entering into what I like to call the “teen” stage, things are beginning to take shape at an enormous rate. So enormous that it won’t be long before the internet hits critical mass.

What does that mean to the average person?

A bunch, so pay attention to what’s going on with the internet. Never before in the history of the world has an economic revolution like this taken place on such a grand scale. What you’re seeing today is the culmination of every major technological innovation and groundbreaking historical event in the history of the world. Not since the industrial revolution has business changed so much and grown at the rate it is growing today.

So how can you capitalize on this economic revolution? Simply by capitalizing on pre-existing business models that are proven and timeless. Many people have spent countless hours trying to reinvent the wheel only to fail. Those that didn’t fail were the people who studied everything and anything about a particular something and were consistent and persistent 100% of the time. Thomas Edison was one of these people in this rare category. Here’s something I heard the other day that set things straight for me. “I’m smart enough to know that I’m not smart enough to reinvent the wheel.

By combining multi-tier affiliate or network marketing opportunities in the right ways, you can’t lose. Period There’s no reason for you to ever trade hours for dollars making someone else rich while you’re stuck in a rut EVER AGAIN. I won’t go into my reasons for disliking the hours for dollars scenario so I’ll leave that one up to you.

Simply put, utilized properly multi-tier affiliate or network marketing opportunities can give you the financial freedom that you want without the hassle of making all the sales yourself. Generation X just got richer!

Tell me, are you going to be in that category? Are you going to let opportunities roll right by you and not even take a glance? Let me tell you why the internet is doing so well. Emerging markets, massive diversity of products, ease of transactions, and last but the MOST important of all is NEVERENDING OPPORTUNITIES.

As the internet reaches out to it’s early twenties it’s only going to get better. This question is for you. Are you going to take advantage? Whether you do or not it’s going to happen with or without you. So what are you going to do?

Wealth is attained by the bold. Poverty is attained by the average. And since average is automatic, the choice to be bold is simply that. A choice. Has freedoms bell rung for you?

About the Author

Recently I watched an old documentary on why America fights it’s wars and discovered something amazing. The reasons behind most of what we think and do on a daily basis is more simple than you think.........

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