The Secret To a Great Conference Presentation

by Lynette Chandler

A great way to promote yourself and your business is to become a speaker at conferences. It is a lot easier today to get speaking engagements with the convenience of the internet and low phone rates. Conference calls and web conferences are everywhere and there are plenty of people who would be happy to have you as a guest.

But being a guest speaker means you'd need to be well prepared. You need to have all your things 'together' to make a good impression. Unfortunately, things can happen and work against us. Increase your chance of giving a perfect presentation by using this one secret weapon - get help..

There are many virtual assistants (VA's) who can assist you in your pre-conference, during conference and even post-conference needs. Here are some ways they can ease your mind so you can concentrate on giving the best presentation.


Having an assistant help you with questions is your best bet for decreasing your chances of being distracted while trying to sort through and view the questions yourself. Things can quickly get confusing if you are trying to do this all on your own. An assistant can help you to organize all the questions and sort them so that you don't answer the same questions twice and you get as many answered as possible.


On every call, there's bound to be at least one person who has misplaced the information to the call, can't call in due to a technicality, last minute modifications that people need to be informed about.

Follow Up

It's always a good idea to remind people your call starts soon. This helps your attendance rate. What's also important is the post-conference follow up. Sometimes people may not be able to get their question in or are just shy. Post-conference contact is a great time to follow up and answer any further questions people might have. Or, just send a simple thank you. This is something that will be appreciated and you can have your assistant help send it out for you.

Presentation Materials

In order to have a smooth presentation, you need to be able to find your materials. An assistant, can help you keep organized and find the right slide or web site when you need to refer to it. She can also help you do quick research during your presentation for example, you mention a resource you can't remember the web site to, or a particular statistic.

Get You More Speaking Engagements

An assistant can help you set up more speaking engagements. If you solicit these yourself, she can be the contact person to work out the details. But she can also sell you as a speaker by contacting people on your behalf.

So you see, hiring a good assistant to help you with the process leading up to, during and following your presentation will ease so much of the stress you may have about doing this. The more calm and relaxed you feel, the better you will come across in your presentation. Anytime you have to speak at a conference, online or offline, get yourself some help.

About the Author

Lynette Chandler helps small business owners apply technology in their business. Ready to take your presentation to the next level? Lynette has compiled a list of reliable VA's to help you at

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