Types Of Insomnia

by Ralph Goldsmith

Sleeplessness, technically Insomnia, is often just referred to as an inability to sleep. It is, however, much more complicated than that as different people experience insomnia in different ways, including the length of sleep, the duration of the sleeplessness, and when the sleep problems occur

It can seem that you are getting no sleep at all, it can certainly feel that way. In reality the likelihood is that the actual sleeplessness is a fairly short period of each night.

While that's true most of the time it's not always the case and there are some cases of people who literally go for days without being able to sleep at all, but that is certainly the most extreme forms of insomnia.

Of course, even if you're missing out on an hour or two of sleep a night, that doesn't mean that the problem is not to be taken seriously. Everyone needs sleep to sustain physical and psychological health and well being, losing out on too much sleep can have an impact on both areas.

Let's explore some of the various forms of insomnia?

If you find it difficult to get to sleep at night, perhaps laying awake for an hour or more, but then you can sleep through until the next morning OK

Then you are experiencing Initial Insomnia

If you wake up too early in the morning and then lay there tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep without success

Then you are experiencing Terminal Insomnia (not as scary as it sounds, terminal just refers to the end of the sleep period)

Or, if you get to sleep OK to start with and then find that wake up in the middle of the night only to find it really hard to get back to sleep again. Perhaps it can take you more than an hour before you finally doze off again but then you sleep through to morning.

Then you are experiencing Middle Insomnia

Insomnia may not necessarily something that you have a problem with every night. There may be differences in the frequency and duration of your sleeplessness.

Some people find they can sleep perfectly well most of the time but then they have periods of days when they really can't seem to get a good nights sleep,

If this is what you are experiencing then you may be suffering from Intermittent Insomnia

On the other hand if your sleeping problems have been going on for more than a couple of weeks, perhaps even for a few months, then you have Chronic Insomnia

What about if you are going without any sleep for days at a time? You cannot achieve any sleep during the night and the problem persists over a time.

Severe Insomnia is used to describe the complete inability to achieve any sleep that presents itself for three or more days a week

About the Author

If you want information about what causes insomnia, plus tips on the best ways to cure it then visit http://what-is-insomnia.net/what-causes-insomnia/

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