Weight Loss : In A Hurry ?
The fact that there are so many people who want to lose weight but end up failing every time must lead to just one thing "An analysis of the Technique that they are following to lose weight" .
Infact most of us want to lose weight immediately . Yes it can be done .But How ?
Even if you are in a hurry , spending an hour on planning it is well worth the time spent .You will reap the benefits in results you get and certainly reduce your chances of a failed attempt .
How To Start :
Even before you set your goals on how much weight you want to lose weight
every week or every quarter you must decide the technique that you want to follow
. Your options are dieting , exercising , NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming ), or
a mix of these . Exercising and Dieting make a useful combination . Also you can use
NLP effectively with any of dieting or exercising or both to increase your
effectiveness . For those unfamiliar with NLP , these are instructions for your mind to
follow , i.e programming the mind with skillful use of language so that it assists
you in losing weight. It is very important to choose what you find easier to do
because chances of your sticking to the technique that you really like are greater
. Personally I would go for a combination of dieting and Yoga to lose weight because it
has helped me lose weight on a more permanent basis .
Carry On :
Once you have have made the choice it is important to carry on till you
have the weight that you would be proud of . Once there it is importanat to come up
with a long term plan to stay there on that mark be it 65 or 75 kg .Even if you
are the busiest person on earth you can always take out an hour every alternate
day for a walk , your treadmill , cycling , skating or anything that can move your
arms and legs in any possible direction . Any bodily movement takes energy , the
more movements you can make the better .
Jogging and brisk walking could be done if you are uncomfortable running . Travel a certain distance one day and increase it every day by 100 mtrs . At the end of the month you would have increased your endurance by upto 300
to 400 % . Infact any exercise you do just stretch your self a bit more than the
previous day because your body is perfectly capable of it . Infact you will enjoy
the challenge and so will your muscles . It is very important that you enjoy
what you do otherwise why bother doing it ?
There are infact so many techniques that there is always something you will
enjoy . I would recommend indulding in a sporting activity that you enjoy . It does
not have to be golf or horse riding , it could be any thing simpler which keeps
you moving , be it football , badminton , cricket , or swimming . And yes what
better than swimming if you know it . Even if you do not what stops you from
learning to do it . Keep It Simple :
Losing weight is not such a monumental task . Its not at all hard . I have
lost 15 kgs over 2 months and I can tell you that it was a breeze . The simple
logic is " Every movement , physical or mental consumes energy . You are adding
alories when you eat . As long as the sum of energy consumed by each of those movements
is greater than your calorie intake you lose , otherwise you gain " . So move a lot and control the calories , you have won the battle .
About the Author
Author is Jamie Vaughan the webmaster of
http://www.weightloss.axplained.com and maintains a huge archive of useful informative articles at http://www.weightloss.axplained.com/articles.htm
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