Causes of Stress


by Jim Lee

A person suffering from stress is very sensitive to any changes in their external environment. Any incidents that are appear to go against a person’s expectations also causes stress. Below are some of the main factors that lead to stress and anxiety.

Change: Change is a major source of stress. One example is a student entering college. The student feels stress and anxiety because new study habits and techniques must be learned, classes are larger, and parental expectations often higher. Perhaps there will be many more assignments and deadlines to meet than in high school.

The physical separation from home can also be extremely difficult to get used to, perhaps leaving the secure environment of home for the first time, and this can cause stress. Leaving friends and family behind and having to form new bonds is sometimes very troubling, and the stress of homesickness can have serious effects on every aspect of life.

Loss: It is not very easy to deal with the loss of a person who is very important to you, and this can cause serious anxiety or stress. The death of a close relative or friend can be a very shocking period. Becoming separated from someone who has been a friend, and has brought you a sense of comfort, results in feelings of loss. You might suffer acute stress from this kind of situation, and it can take a long time for the wounds to heal.

Uncertain Future: Thinking about your future and your career is a common source of stress. You might wonder whether you have chosen a career that will satisfy your specific needs and whether you will be good at your job. Looking for a position in your field can also be stressful.

There are many other sources of stress, but often, after some thought, you can handle them effectively on your own. Certain kinds of stress that you are not able to deal with alone might arise, however, and it can be very helpful to seek the assistance and expertise of a professional.

Long-term (chronic) stress is the type of stress that causes the most serious problems. It is caused by a host of frustrating hassles over a period of time, or a current, difficult situation. Conditions that may lead to chronic stress include:

Health problems; if you have a chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis.

Emotional problems, such as unexpressed or uncontrolled anger, depression, grief, guilt, or low self-esteem.

Your surroundings; if you live in a dangerous or uncomfortable area where overcrowding, crime, pollution, or noise is a problem.

Your job; if you are unhappy with your work or your work is dangerous or too demanding.

Your social situation; poverty, loneliness, or discrimination based on race, gender, age, or sexual orientation are social factors which are known to cause anxiety.

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