What The Hell Is Kaizen?
I've always had this hang up and fear about making money online. It's always been this enigmatic and nebulous kind of realm that I thought was solely for computer geeks and nerds. In my mind I thought that you had to know complicated html coding and all sorts of weird and wonderful computer jargon to make money online. You see I'm an average computer and internet user, meaning the only things I know how to do are surf the net and use the basic windows functions. The last couple years though I kept on hearing about how "average" people have been achieving the internet dream of making money online, all this being done without being an html superstar. Recently my interest on making money online has piqued a bit and I found myself reading this cool e-book online about success strategies on the topic. The concept that stood out like a sore thumb to me out of all of them was Kaizen. What is Kaizen you ask? It is the Japanese philosophy of "continuous improvement" that was brought into the country by the American Edward Deming in post WWII Japan. I know continuous improvement is a simple phrase (and it may not be a new fangled internet strategy) - but don't let this deceive you . It is a very powerful concept indeed as I have “newly” discovered. It was pointed out to me that if you or I had a basic website to start out with and made an incremental improvement of only 5 per week, you would double the quality and/or content of that site every 14 weeks! Can you think of anything that improves in quality that much every 14 weeks? If you have these small consistent improvements occur to your website, by the end of the year the results that you would have will be a lot better. Not just a little better but EXPONENTIALLY better then when you started. Read that again, small and consistent improvements….. Imagine if you applied this simple yet powerful concept to EVERY area of your life? Could you imagine what your world would be like at the end of the year? The end of two years? Five years? Ten? It just boggles my mind just thinking about the possibilities. You know it's all well and good to talk about end results and all that but it all boils down to taking that first step on that project you've been thinking about. I guess heard the saying - you eat an elephant a bite at a time. So don’t worry too much and just take that first step. Just do it (those famous words). Then once you know how your results, work on improving on it bit by bit because the journey is just as important as the goal. This is my first step, I look forward to seeing you along the way :) Mark Choy
About the Author
For more outstanding and powerful concepts like this go to www.internetprofitmentor.com for your FREE 120 page e-book,12 hour video course.Mark Choy is an aspiring internet marketer that has been looking for the best opportunity for an income online. ** Attn Ezine editors / Site owners **Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above. Visit their website at: www.internetprofitmentor.com
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