Top 10 Ways to Think Outside the Retirement Box
Are you willing to look beneath the surface of the external aspects of your retirement (how much money will you have, where will you live, etc.) and fully explore your dreams and desires? If so, you'll discover the many wonderful opportunities and options that are open to you, and embark on the most extraordinary journey of your life.
Here are ten tips to get you started thinking outside the old retirement box:
1. Don't let someone else's definition of retirement define retirement for you. You can start by casting off the outdated belief that retirement is a permanent rest stop.
2. Put yourself squarely in the driver's seat. You decide when and how you retire, and who you will be.
3. Turn the old retirement model on its head. Plan the life you want to be living. Then, figure out how much money you'll need to live it.
4. Answer the question: "What's enough"? You may find you need a lot less than you think and can retire sooner.
5. Don't put off retirement because others (aging/ailing parents, adult children) are dependent on you. Keeping your life on hold supports no one.
6. Write a personal mission statement that expresses who you are, what you'd like to do, and where you'd like to go.
7. Ignite your personal mission statement into action, and pursue your goals with gusto.
8. Think of retirement as your next career stage. Write that book, start a business, fill in the blank.
9. Come up with creative ways to combine living your passion with generating income. Think in terms of both active and passive revenue streams.
10. Change your approach, shift your thinking, and get a fresh perspective. The future you dream of will never be yours as long as you're stuck in old ways of being.
About the Author
Taken from "88 Tips for Planning a Healthy, Happy, Enriching Retirement Life" by Certified Retirement Coach, Lin Schreiber, available at:
Retirement Coach, Lin Schreiber, Invites Pre-Retirees to Delve Below the Surface of Retirement to Take a Holistic Approach to Planning.
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