The Secrets to Good Health with Apple Cider Vinegar

by Mitch Sivels

Best Ways to Enhance Your Health with Apple Cider Vinegar

There are many natural foods and remedies that you can take, but few of them have as many benefits as apple cider vinegar. We all know the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." However, when the apples are fermented to make apple cider vinegar, its benefits increase and it helps numerous maladies. It's easy to add to your diet also. You don't have to groan and think, "Oh no, another supplement." Just add it to foods such as salad dressing, or marinades, and you'll be all set. Nonetheless, if you don't like the taste of vinegar, you can find capsules to take instead.

It seems as though there are large numbers of people willing to spend large sums of cash for weight loss supplements. You may find that a cost-effective weight loss program solution includes apple cider vinegar. It may help regulate blood sugar and appetite according to studies. You should start feeling satiated after only a small amount of ACV. Just try putting a few teaspoons of ACV on your next salad and see if you don't feel empowered to resist dessert. The rate at which your body burns fat may also get a boost from apple cider vinegar. This is not to say that ACV is going to replace proper nutrition and regular exercise.

It's not difficult to eat apple cider vinegar. ACV can simply replace the vinegar in your salad dressing recipes. It won't hurt to put some in whatever you drink. Many old-world medicines call for honey to be a base for delivering apple cider vinegar. This helps overcome how sour ACV can be. However, if you really just don't like to taste vinegar in anything you eat or drink, honey isn't going to solve the problem. Fortunately, you can buy apple cider vinegar as a capsule or pill. You'll probably find that after some time you'll learn to enjoy a small dose of daily ACV.

Did you know that ACV also balances the pH of your body? Your body's pH balance bounces between alkaline and acidic. Contrary to what you might think, apple cider vinegar doesn't make your system more acidic. It helps balance your system to the correct pH. Try this to prove it - purchase some test strips at the pharmacy that measure your body's pH and see what your results are. You want to maintain a balance that is alkaline, somewhere in the vicinity of 7.3 or 7.4. If you aren't in that range, try drinking ACV each day and see how much you need to bring your system into balance.

So there you have it -- some of the health benefits that can be derived from apple cider vinegar. Whether you have acne, indigestion, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, apple cider vinegar can help. In addition, apple cider vinegar can effectively detoxify the body.

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