Hoping for Financial Security or Early Retirement? v2.5.18.05 It May Be Time for a Wake Up Call!
Early retirement? Enjoyable retirement? Better QUALITY of Life?
YOUR answers to three simple questions below can quickly help you put your personal situation in perspective. The article that follows offers some important food for thought and solutions to some common problems.
1) When would you LIKE to 'retire'?
[] In two years or less [] In two - five years [] In five - ten years or more
Great! What’s YOUR PLAN to achieve that goal?
2) How much money do YOU need monthly to 'retire' comfortably or maintain your desired standard of living? (Are prices the same now as they were 10-20 years ago? Will they be the same 10-20yrs after you retire?)
[] $1,000 [] $2,000 [] $3,000 [] $5,000 or more.
Great! What’s YOUR PLAN to receive that monthly income?
3) How much money do you need to invest at a 6% return to receive your desired monthly income? (Take your answer from #2 and multiply by 200)
Great! What’s YOUR PLAN to accumulate that nest egg in your chosen time frame?
Most people who expect to enjoy a care-free, enjoyable retirement by following conventional wisdom, methods, and strategies, have their heads buried in the sand and are in for some unpleasant surprises or a rude awakening.
It’s time to wake up and plan ahead if you hope to spend your “golden years” doing more than watching reruns of old television shows from your rocker with drool running down your chin as you wait for the next “meals on wheels” delivery to be made.
No matter which side of the current political debate you fall on, you're not looking at all the facts if you don’t think “working class” Americans (and others around the world) face some serious impending financial problems. And most politicians on either side don’t really care. They’ve got their own personal agendas and a luxurious retirement plan already funded by your hard-earned and often misspent tax dollars. But that’s a whole other nightmare and article.
Nobody who looks at all the FACTS with half an ounce of common sense could deny potential serious problems lie ahead. Below are just a few quick facts to consider. They are by no means all-inclusive.
* True “job security” is a thing of the distant past. * More goods and services are being produced from outside our borders, and the trend is GROWING. * According to recent statistics the 'average' American carries 7 credit cards and is over $9,000 in credit card debt alone. * The two biggest roadblocks to individual wealth accumulation are TAXES and INTEREST on consumer debt. * Federal deficits are at an all time high, and the long term commitment in Iraq isn't helping that situation. * A HUGE swell of 'babyboomers' already reaching early retirement age will be dropping out of the work force over the coming 10-15 years. Revenues will decline and many expenses will rise, both for individuals and the system. * People are living much longer and spending more in their later years on health care and prescription drugs. That creates a need for a much larger nest egg than most people plan on. * Health care and prescription drug cost increases continue to dramatically outpace inflation. * Oil prices at an all time high with no end in sight create a major squeeze on the poor and middle class and have an immediate upward impact on INFLATION. * Social Security benefits will have to be cut, or taxes raised, or BOTH. * Company sponsored pension plans have been on a major decline for years and will eventually become extinct.
So is there any GOOD NEWS?
Yes, theres plenty - for people who are willing to recognize some TRENDS in society, look “outside the box”, and make a paradigm shift in some outdated thoughts and actions.
But first you have to be able to answer two more questions correctly:
1) Who’s more likely to have a better income and quality of life - a successful business owner or their employees?
2) And based on that answer and several of the bulleted facts above, what is quickly becoming the... World’s #1 Financial Success Strategy?
The correct answer to the first question should be obvious. The answer to the second is: Owning your own business.
But that brings up even more questions: What type of business? How can “average” people afford to start a business? What special knowledge or skills are required? etc. etc.
A successful business needs to be able to recognize and adapt to trends in society and provide products or services that people want or need. Thanks to advances in modern technology, the Internet, and low cost long distance rates - the combination of which allows worldwide communication at the speed of light - successful International businesses with very low overhead can now be run from the comfort and convenience of home, or from anywhere you can get access to a telephone line.
And if you find the RIGHT business, start up and overhead costs are very low, and you can "earn while you learn".
Starting a conventional business can be a risky and expensive venture. Most fail before they ever get off the ground and most 'average' people don't have the capital or skills required. Most 'mom & pop' businesses are nothing more than a low paying job with long hours.
Might there be a better way?
Looking back over my bulleted list of real PROBLEMS above, a few major potential opportunities and solutions stand out:
1) There is a HUGE worldwide demand, need, and desire for people to:
* Take back control of their lives, * Increase their current income or create additional income, * Enjoy more free time or increased QUALITY of life, * Legally minimize their tax burden and debt situation, * Eliminate many of the hassles, stress, wasted time, and expenses of commuting to a job or career, and * Improve their long term financial security.
2) The US government (and most others) gives significant tax breaks to people who own and operate a legitimate business with the intention to make a profit.
3) The “natural” health and wellness industry is growing by leaps and bounds and is predicted by many experts to be the next trillion dollar industry. More and more people are successfully addressing health concerns "naturally" and are reducing their costs of health care, their dependency on prescription drugs, and greatly enhancing their quality of life.
How can knowing or recognizing the simple facts above help you? And what if there was a way to profit simultaneously or synergistically from ALL of them?
Developing a “Millionaire Mindset” is the key!
Have you read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” or other books by multi-millionaire best selling author Robert Kiyosaki? How about the all time best selling classic “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill? If not, contact me to get a free copy of the latter.
Millionaires, successful business owners, and entrepreneurs, all have a different attitude and mindset about money - that anybody can learn. They understand and take advantage of three powerful concepts Passive Recurring Income, Leverage, and Geometric Growth Potential. I don’t have time to cover all the important details in this brief article. But I can provide them via email in a free report titled “3 Millionaire Secrets Revealed”. Or you can learn more on the Internet at: www.RUwealthy.com
What type of business gives “average people” the best shot at success and a realistic chance to achieve their dreams?
According to “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki and many other experts, NEW WAVE network marketing has become the “Perfect Business”. For more details from Mr. Kiyosaki, visit: www.RichDad4.com
Unfortunately the terms 'network marketing' or ‘MLM’ have a bad rap with the general population because many people have tried and failed. Others confuse legal and legitimate opportunities with the many illegal scams and “pyramid schemes” that will always be around as long as foolish, greedy, or naïve people believe they can “get rich quick for doing nothing”.
Legitimate network marketing is simply an unconventional way to build a distribution network for quality products and services. The business model gives every individual the opportunity to become CEO of their own business, and eliminates many of the negatives and typical "glass ceilings" of the corporate world.
The sad truth is that most people who start ANY business do NOT have success. There are many reasons for that simple truth. But the biggest one is…
People who fall in love - whether it be with a person, a concept, or a product - seldom maintain the ability to objectively evaluate the BIG PICTURE or complete package.
Do you think most people make most decisions based on emotions, or based on logical evaluation of all the facts? I’ll guarantee you that most are made based on emotions, then frequently rationalized by choosing questionable ‘facts’ that support the decision that was already made. It may sound foolish but it's “human nature”.
The same thing happens in business. But there are 5-9 “Pillars to Success” or "Universal Laws" that must ALL be in place before any substantial long term success can be achieved in any business. I’d be happy to email a summary sheet or access to more detailed information to anyone who's interested.
Anyone with an open-minded willingness to learn, who is willing to do a little research, get some good information, and find the right company, mentors, and TEAM to work with, can achieve truly uncommon success in a relatively short time.
Starting part-time, it's possible to produce a life and lifestyle most people only dream of in 3-5 years. Some people do it much quicker. All you need is some important fact-based information, some support and training from a good coach, mentor, or TEAM, and a willingness to put what you learn into ACTION.
Best wishes for Financial Security and a care-free, enjoyable, and long lasting early retirement! It can all be yours for the asking if you understand and apply a few simple concepts.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright May 2005 by Michael K. Duffey - All rights reserved. No part of this may be copied or used IN ANY FORM, without the express WRITTEN consent of the author. -----------------------------------------------------------------
About the Author
Mike Duffey "semi-retired" from his Retirement & Financial Planning business at the age of 34 and now does Personal Success Coaching and small business consulting. He has authored several educational articles and reports. Contact him directly for copies, more information, or a free consultation. U.S.A. or Canada 24 hr Toll Free: 877- 832- 7487. For an exceptional FREE e-book visit: http://Help4u.SuccessIn10steps.com For some exceptional FREE Coaching, Training, and Mentoring, visit: http://Help4u.MentoringForFree.com
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