How To Stage A Home To Sell Quickly

by Melissa Gifford

It is hard to sell a house fast. One's house must stand-out from the competition. Staging means to get your home ready to present to buyers. Think model home. Give it curb appeal and style inside. Look at it with a critical eye. Make a room-by-room checklist for the exterior. Staging consultants are available if needed. You have to have a fast house sale if you are relocating for a job. Some houses that have languished on the market with little interest still get offers within weeks of a good staging.

The exterior of your home is the buyer's first impression regardless how nice the inside looks. It needs curb appeal to the prospect. Some expert tips are:

Make sure your house number is clear and defined.

Paint the front door.

Get rid of extra outdoor items.

Prune bushes and remove dying potted plants.

Pressure wash sidewalks and decks to remove any moss and stains.

Clean gutters and sweep roof.

Fix cracked pavers and change out any exterior lighting if it has gone out.

Wash windows and keep operational.

Lawns should be trimmed and maintained.

These items remind the buyer that preventive home maintenance has been practiced and puts them at ease about the things they cannot see.

When you show the interior of your home in the best possible light it will appeal to many buyers. Your goal is to make your home clean, uncluttered, and as organized as possible. These things have been proven to get a final selling price that is closer to the asking price.

Give the home a hotel vibe when the bathroom counters are cleared and neatly folded towels and small number of toiletries. Clean grout lines with bleach if they were white. Show off good work space on kitchen counters by removing extra appliances like a toaster, toaster oven or rarely used juicer. Sponges and dish cleaners stored out of sight is a must. Keep the sink clear of dirty dishes. Put the dish drainer away in the cabinet to add a little extra counter space.

For odor control, take out all garbage and by all means remove ashtrays.

Remove any unnecessary furniture and arrange what is left in a non-obstructive way.

Beware of removing too much furniture leaving the space bare and living spaces undefined.

Organize the basement, closets, and any other disorganized space.

If you have dark corners try to keep the lamp on.

If your bedding is loud or the wrong size change it out. The more simple the pattern the more people it will appeal to.

Keep accessories that are fashionably appealing but keep them at a minimum. Repeat the designer's rule: sets of three or odd numbers appeal to the eye.

You need to try and be impersonal but at the same time welcoming.

Keep in mind that to sell a house you will need to spend some money. Staging a home is one of the cost you need to factor into the equation. It has to be included in the cost of selling the house. Make sure you spend these dollars in the right way and in the right areas.

Paint is cheap and has a great ROI. Paint walls and leave the trim alone to save some time.

Re-purpose and reuse your furniture to help decrease cost.

Clean operational appliances instead of replacing.

Buy a new shower curtain but leave the old flooring alone.

Sell any unused or unwanted items.

Paint outdated lighting black.

De-brass the hardware in your home instead of replacing it.

Any linens purchased should be reusable in new home.

Plant annuals in flower beds to add instant curb appeal.

Setting your home apart is the name of the game in today's market. Do your homework for the best investment of your time and money.

About the Author

The hardest part of selling your home is finding the right buyer. By being prepared ahead of time you can put your house on the market with the best chance of success. Visit our helpful blog to find out more.

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