How to Write Articles That Actually Increase Internet Traffic and Deliver Results – The First Step
With the Internet being the cyberspace shopping mall for both individuals and businesses, securing web traffic to your website is crucial. Having a belief system that simple is much better than complicated or what some still call the “K.I.S.S.” Theory (keep it simple and sweet or simple and short), I have discovered 7 steps that have tripled my article distribution rate, doubled my view rate during the last month and also doubled traffic to my web site. During the next few weeks, I will share these with you and provide some detailed explanations why these 7 steps will gain you additional traffic and more importantly additional business.
Believing in proper planning promotes positive performance (the 5-Ps), your topic selection should be based upon your “demand statistics” or how many times past articles have been viewed. For example, at, authors have the ability to track how many times past articles have been viewed. On April 20, 2005, I began to submit articles and now have over 40 articles in a variety of topics posted at this site. These articles have secured over 7,000 views in approximately 5 months. Most of these articles are receiving one to three views per day; however when I recently jumped topics to Internet SEO and web traffic, several articles began receiving 10 to 15 views per day.
Also, your article should look to the demand within the marketplace through the use of key words such as, through Google and Yahoo searches and by reading posts in the various Groups and Blogs. Remember, potential clients or customers use the Internet to meet their current or future needs.
WRITING HINT: The article is not about how much you know, but rather how much your prospective client wants to know.
Many writers write not only for business purposes, but because they have a passion to share their knowledge with others. Occasionally, I write an article that is reactionary to something I have just read or to some thought that just “popped into my brain.” Yet, I still do the research to ensure that my writing efforts will be beneficial to potential readers and myself. What I have learned as an Internet writer and marketer is that there exists a continual challenge to connect our passion to our purpose to improve our performance.
Word Count: 384
Copyright 2005(c) Leanne Hoagland-Smith,
This article may be freely published. Permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).
About the Author
Writing articles is simple, but not necessarily easy. If your goal is to improve your web traffic and increase your results, then maybe these 7 steps will help you reach that goal.
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