The Future of the Vending Industry!

by Peter Serafino

What does the future hold for vending machines? Rapid technological advancement and unique perspectives may create interesting future equipment for the next generation of consumers. The vending machine is not only a convenience for people on the go, it is also a reflection of the society in which they are placed. Here are a few of the future possibilities for vending equipment; this is not science fiction - some are already on the market while others are in the works.

Healthy Vending. Machines dispensing healthy snacks are already in lobbies, schools, and break rooms around the country. Though Americans still love their junk food, this trend shows no sign of slowing down; equipment with healthy snacks like apple slices, yogurt, nutrition bars, and nuts will continue to take away market share from more traditional snacks.

Going for the Gold. Believe it or not, there are machines that can turn your paper money into gold. Gold to Go is a new type of machine made in Germany. It is perfect for those people worried about inflation and their investments, and for those still pining away for the old days before President Nixon took our country off the gold standard!

Pizza A La Carte. No, this machine doesn't spit out some microwave pizza; it actually kneads the dough, pours on the sauce, adds toppings, and bakes the pie in an oven. These machines already exist and though they may never replace the corner pizzeria, they will certainly make a quick lunch more convenient and flavorful!

French Fries Without the Drive-Thru. If getting in your car and driving to the nearest fast-food joint is too much work, there will soon be machines dispensing french fries. They won't be any better for you than the ones at the local drive-thru, but they may taste as good and you won't have to make the drive to get them.

Touch and Go. Your phone and so many other products are now touch screen; it seems likely that vending machines will soon be made with this modern feature. You could tap the glass and read all the pertinent nutritional information. Once you have decided on your selection, just tap the screen again and purchase the desired product. You could scan a credit car or insert money. These machines would be simpler to use and easier to clean than traditional equioment.

Big Brother Has You Identified. Are you tired of fishing around for change at the bottom of your purse or briefcase when trying to buy a bag of Cheetohs from the lunch room vending machine? If so, the future may hold something special for you. Someday, sooner than you may think, you will be able to satisfy your hunger from a vending machine by pressing your finger tip on a pad or staring at a tiny lens on the front of the food dispenser. Your fingerprint or retinal scan can be tied to your credit card and you can get that quick lunch or snack without trying to squeeze dollar bills into feeder or searching for spare change.

Our economy, behaviors, and technology continue to evolve and vending machines will certainly reflect the changes in our society. Convenient food from a machine is here to stay, but the products and the methods of delivery may be altered by consumer demand and the rapid changes in technology.

About the Author

Prime Vending Locations has Located All Types Of Vending Machines For 19 Years. Thousands Of Machines Successfully Located For Hundreds Of Vendors. Lifetime Warranty with All Locations. Dozens of References Available. Call 1-888-307-1870 and check out our website at

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