Education Options for the Private Investigator
There is no one educational path that a Private Investigator must follow
Education should be the starting point of any career. If you are serious about pursuing your dream as a private investigator, you should take the time to learn about the justice system.
There are several options for education as a private investigator:
. Major University . Community College . Online Schools . Specialty Private Investigation Schools . In Home Studies
Major universities will not offer degrees in private investigation. They will offer degrees in Criminal Justice. You want to choose Universities if you are seeking high degrees, and are not bothered by the years of schooling it will take to get your degree. The major upside to universities is the ability to get higher degrees. At a university you will have the option to get a Bachelor's or a Masters degree in criminal justice. If you choose this route, you are pretty much set in your pursuit of a PI career. You will have no problem getting hired on at an established private investigation firm.
Community colleges are also a great way to get some secondary education. There, you will be able to get a two year degree. PI agencies like to hire investigators that have some type of degree. This is a great way to get a degree in a relatively short period of time.
If you do not want to spend two years in college, you can try an online school. There are online private investigation schools. Were universities and community colleges offer degrees in criminal justice, you can get a degree in "private investigation" from online specialty schools. The downside to this is that not all established investigation agencies look favorably on these schools. They will teach you what you need to know to get started, but you will not "pay the dues" other PI's have paid.
The last option is the "at home study" course. You will see these courses offered on late night TV. This is the quickest way to get a degree, however it is not a good program. These courses are old and out dated. Some of the information could actually get you sued with today's laws. If you want a degree quickly, go for the online specialty school.
As you can see, there is a way to get degree no matter what your situation is. Choose the education option that is best for you and go for it. The choice is up to you.
About the Author
Dirk Johnson writes on topics such as Private Investigator Schools and Private Investigator Career for Be a Private Investigator
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