Top Five Reasons For Boxer Aggression

by Marcus B Stephens

Modest and mentally alert, Boxer dogs make a perfect choice to own and train. Their daunting looks and huge, masculine bodies can be deceiving that most people perceive them as threats, although they are generally tame. However, like other breeds, they may exhibit Boxer aggression when provoked, and this may cause detrimental effects to the canine and human beings alike.

Boxers do not only make loyal best friends, but they can be dependable watchdogs, too. Owing to their incredible strength and sharp senses, they are often brought under Boxer protection training to employ them in police and military operations. To ensure safety and protection, owners should be fully aware of the factors that can bring about Boxer aggression.

Five factors that can trigger Boxer aggression:


This is probably the most serious factor that may precipitate Boxer aggression. Like any dog breeds, a simple infliction of pain may fuel a Boxer's flame. When a person or an animal hits him, it is but a natural instinct to fight back as a means of self-defense.

Boxer dogs that suffer from medical ailments, such as bloating and cardiovascular diseases, may cause them to feel intense pain, thus leading to their destructive behaviors such as Boxer biting, Boxer chasing, and Boxer growling.

Poor Breeding Practice

Wrong breeding method can occur when breeders breed good quality Boxers to unhealthy ones. Sometimes, during breeding, unhealthy Boxers are bred despite their poor conditions, thus the possibility of develop Boxer aggression as they grow.

Certain Boxer health problems may aggravate aggressive behaviors. Dogs that are known to be non-aggressive by nature, like Boxers, are more likely to become affected when bred with those having poor conditions.

Lack of Socialization

Poor social interaction can cause any dogs to act aggressively, and Boxers are no exception. Boxer aggression may occur when they are not attuned to people, places and experiences. It can make them feel uneasy, thus leading to Boxer anxiety. When faced in a new situation, they may feel threatened and would trigger them to attack.

Boxer puppies may develop Boxer aggression issues when they are separated from their mothers and siblings at an early age. That is why they should be slowly integrated to other animals, people and environment. They can become hostile if this is not resolved immediately.

Owners should also spend extra time to mingle with their best friend. During the early days of the Boxer puppy's life, he should be introduced to the family and treat him as a family member. In that way, it is less likely for him to develop anxiety.

However, it is also important for Boxers to have their own space and time so that they will not feel anxious whenever no one is around. Teach him proper Boxer crate training so he will have a comfy place to stay while he is alone in the house.

Keen Senses and Protective Instincts

Boxer dogs have sharp sense of smell and hearing. Because of this, they are utilized in search and rescue operations. They undergo Boxer training to detect bombs and have the ability to identify if there is something unusual around.

This dog breed is also known to be protective to their masters. They make good guard dogs in the house and are distrustful to guests. Once they hear a noise of a stranger or a robber, they tend to bark angrily, thereby preventing the possibility of a crime.

Lack of Obedience Training

Without proper Boxer obedience training, it is more likely for your Boxer to develop Boxer aggression problems since he will use his dominance to his advantage. Dogs need leaders who will discipline them and teach them what is right from wrong. If they are not used to having one, then they will have the autonomy and authority over people.

Owners may opt to bring their Boxers to an obedience training school wherein their dogs can learn how to socialize with other people and other dogs. Aside from that, they will also be instructed different methods on how to comply with commands.

Boxer dogs are affectionate and make good companions. But in situations when they feel that they are not safe, their calm mood may wear away and turn into Boxer aggression. In case this condition worsens, seek help from a vet immediately.

Owners are responsible to train Boxer dogs on how to become well-mannered. To stop Boxer aggression, it should definitely start at home.

About the Author

Marcus Stephens "The Dog Guy" has raised and trained canines for more than 2 decades now. He is responsible for creating the famous quoted website "Fix Boxer Aggression Problems" and his articles are well-known among dog breeders on the Internet. Get your FREE report that reveals how to stop your Boxer aggression problems for good



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