Classifying Asanas, Levels, Methods, Mastering Them – Part III

by Merry Parker

Slow and controlled, Yoga asanas are very different from the fast, bouncy motions so popular in Western aerobics, gymnastics and other forms of exercise. Asanas (physical positions) progressively achieved or mastered in 4-levels, help one to achieve the body and mind’s natural condition of being in a relaxed state of being. Regular Yoga practice means one can relax the body and mind without exerting oneself or having to put in a great deal of effort. Which means, one’s body can be absolutely relaxed and the mind calm, even while at work in a hectic, fast-paced workplace. There is no stress or strain on the body and no unhealthy thoughts clutter the mind.

By now it must be clear what can be called a proper Asana and what an improper one is. Hatha Yoga Pradipika gives a similar description of what an Asana is when it states: “One can achieve Sound Health, Stability, Lightness of Body and Mind with Asana”. Gherand Sanhimata, another text on Hatha Yoga has the author describing the effect of asana as “Perfecting the Stability of Body and Mind is the result of Asana”.

The other effects of practicing yoga asanas can be seen in everyday life in increased efficiency, stamina, increased immune capacity, a calm and quiet mind, easy control over emotions, and improvement in attitude. And, it doesn’t take much to derive all the benefits of practicing yoga asanas. You can increase your knowledge base about yoga by searching online yoga books, including on spirituality and meditation. Once you are convinced that it is the right option for you, why not pick up a few yoga accessories, such as, a yoga strap, yoga block and a yoga mat to help reap the benefits of regular yoga practice!

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