by christian coyne
Takeover: The tragic Death of a country.America, land of the free, home of the brave. A line commonly used to describe the United States. But is this really true? Are we really free? Are we still brave enough to stand up for our rights? These are simple questions to which the answer is no. Our so called “freedom” shrinks to new lows with each law passed. Laws which are supposedly there to help us. Laws made by the representatives we have supposedly chosen. Its clear that we are no longer brave enough to stand up for ourselves. We merely take each new smack in the face sitting down, don’t worry though we put our little political ice pack on it, a small discussion with friends in which we talk about how outraged we are, we might even write a letter to our local congressman. But in the end we do nothing. Our fore fathers were willing to fight for our freedom. When the British Government (at the time our own government) issued the stamp act, we rebelled, crying such things as “no taxation without representation”. We fought, and in the end the Stamp Act was repealed. But before our forefathers had time to savor the victory, the Townsend Acts had been passed. Now let me stop right here. The Townsend Acts (passed in June 1967) put a tax on everyday items such as glass, lead, tea, and paper. Here in the 21st century we wouldn’t think twice about paying our 8.9 (or whatever your states sales tax happens to be), even considering that whatever your buying has likely been taxed at least twice before it got to you, but back then it was an outrage. Continuing on. They immediately boycotted all of the taxed items. So in order to make any profit the British had to repeal the tax, and here you will see a common political ideology. The British repealed the Townsend Acts, except for the tea tax, because they thought they could slowly ease the Americans into paying taxes. However it was not successful. We are all familiar with the rest of the story im sure, we fight the Revolutionary war, we win our independence from Great Britain. Now that we have freedom what do we do? We right up a list of rules and regulations and name it The Articles of Confederation. A powerful living document with power focused mainly on the individual and states rights. But now fast forward a few years down the road, and we run into our first problem. For some reason, The Articles simply are not cutting it, and need to be completely re-written. So our forefathers gather for what would be later named the Constitutional Convention, in which some of America’s brightest minds come together to think of a master plan to save our country, now against all odds they do it! They save the country. Now of course no one is perfect and they quickly realize their mistakes. So soon after the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the constitution) are made. George Washington is elected first president of the United States, and everyone lives happily ever after, right? No, sadly that is not true. And contrary to popular belief, electing George Washington president of the United States was the mistake that will lead to the tragic enslavement of the American people. But how is that possible you ask? George Washington? The greatest president that ever lived? The only U.S. president to be unanimously voted into office? Well sadly it is true. While George Washington may have been a great man, he was not cut out to be president. A fact that he was aware of. Which is why one of his first moves was to appoint members to what would later be named the Political Cabinet. Two of George Washington’s most famous members were Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. The Beginning of the end.Jefferson and Hamilton were on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum. Although I don’t really want to confine them to just one political party, for explanation purposes I would say that Jefferson would be a modern day Libiterian, while in all seriousness Hamilton was very close to being a Communist. I personally like to think of things this way. Jefferson was for the peoples ability to govern themselves while Hamilton was more for total government control. Hamilton had a plan. A plan to slowly take power from the people, The same people that he derives his power from, and put it completely in the hands of the government. (Why would someone want to do this? Lord Acton puts it best “Power tends to corrupt; Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. That may seem to radical for the average person, so we like to sugar coat it by saying “he thought the average person wasn’t smart enough to govern himself”.) To get his plan started he needed first a way to take the peoples money. So in 1790 Alexander Hamilton Presented to congress the idea of a National Bank. Congress passed the bill and now only President George Washington could stop this idea from becoming a reality. Thomas Jefferson advised Washington that not only was this a bad idea but it was unconstitutional. Thomas Jefferson once said:"[The] Bank of the United States... is one of the most deadly hostilities existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution... An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so hostile?" Even after demonstrating the negative consequences the Bank would have on the United States, it was still necessary for Jefferson to prove that the institution was unconstitutional. So he did. NO WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION IS THE GOVERNMENT GIVEN THE POWER TO CREATE A NATIONAL BANK. And while it may not be common knowledge, any powers not delegated to the national government in the constitution are appointed to the states. But that did not stop Hamilton, he argued that the power was given to the national government under the Necessary and Proper Clause, otherwise known as the Elastic Clause, which according to Hamilton allowed the national government to do whatever they wanted to so long as they could come up with a half witted excuse. Which wasn’t hard considering information spread slow and the average person in the 1700's was not well educated. So George Washington gave the proposal his stamp of approval, now giving the government access to the peoples money, making it easy to collect taxes, and issue paper money. Thomas Jefferson said “ I sincerely believe... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies”. But wait! Thomas Jefferson is a hypocrite! He used the Necessary and Proper Clause for the Louisiana Purchase! If this seems like a valid argument, than consider what actually happened. It was decided that for the future prosperity of America the Port of New Orleans, more specifically the mouth of the Mississippi, was both necessary and proper. And when Napoleon offered to throw in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase for only a few million ( think in relative terms, a few million for the United States is not a lot), it would have been foolish not to accept. But of course he was criticized for it.Stop for a moment and ask yourself this question, “At what point will Government restrictions placed on my life be to much?” What will it take to get people to pay attention to the utter corruption in our government? Think about all the things as a human being you can do. Now think about the things you can legally do. What is the so called “American Dream”? To own a house, raise a family, pursue happiness. Now lets really analyze this. Can you, as a citizen of the United States of America own a house. THE ANSWER IS NO! You can most certainly buy a house, there is no denying that. But perhaps my definition of ownership differs from yours, I see ownership as having complete undeniable control over something, having something that you can hold onto forever, or until you choose to give it up. What do you think would happen if you decided not to pay your property taxes? I’ll save you the trouble, the IRS would confiscate your home, and you would go to jail. That doesn’t sound like complete and total control over an object to me. How about raising a family? You can deffinetly do that right? Wrong again. Our Government in a selfless show of care and concern for our children has decided that they are going to raise out children for us. They have a set of rules regarding what a parent can and cannot not do. For example: lets say your 7 year old son is throwing a fit in the middle of the toy store because you wont but him this months hot toy. So after five minutes of temper tantrum you give him a smack on the backside. Congratulations, you are now a child abuser. Social Services now has the right to take your children away from you because your now endangering the life of a child. Believe me, I want children to be safe in there own homes just as much as the next person, but the current situation is ridiculous. The general idea they are trying to convey is that parents just aren’t fit to raise their own children. We need teachers and school guidance counselors to do the work for us. The guidance counselors actually tell the children that they cant trust their own parents.I would say that the pursuit of happiness is one of the most important things in my life, and probably most other peoples. But once again government rules and regulations prevent this one too. Censorship-any government restrictions on speech or writing; more precisely, government restrictions on forms of expression before they are disseminated. For some people it’s a scary word, but for a politician it has one important meaning, Control. Control over what you see and do. If the Government has the ability to censor the things we are allowed to see, do, and hear, then we cant truly pursue happiness unless the things that are important to us aren’t censored. This may be more difficult than you think though. I consider censorship to go beyond banning of certain texts and what not. I believe that political correctness is censorship. I don’t think you should go out yelling “racial slurs” at every “colored” person you see, but I don’t think anyone should be afraid to speak there mind. I also believe that walls, blockades or security guards keeping us from accessing a monument, statue, building, or even a sheer cliff (if you’re a BASE jumper) is censorship. Government regulations meant to keep us safe clearly restrict many of us from pursuing happiness. Wouldn’t it make more sense to let people make decisions that effect only their lives? If you are willing to risk your life to pursue happiness, why should the Government have the right to stop you so long as your not having a negative effect on someone else’s life? My belief is that if you wan to strap on a parachute and jump out of an airplane or sit in your basement and inject heroin, its your business. My mom always asked me “If cocaine was legal tomorrow, would you do it?” My answer was always no. I am absolutely positive that if drugs were legalized the, rate of drug users would drop significantly, Trading Freedom For SafetyEvery day we move closer to what I like to call “Volunteer Slavery”. This is where we decide that its easier to sit back and do nothing than to demand change. If things don’t change We will most certainly be volunteering for our own slavery. While I don’t speculate we will all be forced to go to work camps or pick cotton on a plantation, but I do believe we will continue to give about 50 of our income to the government while surrendering the majority of our freedom in the name of “safety”.On September 11th 2001 two commercial air liners crashed into the World Trade Center. Suddenly the citizens of the United States began to wonder if they were really safe. Security at airports and train stations sharply increased, taxes and gas went up, the stock market came down, and we were suddenly in a war. Like most Americans, I fed into it all. For almost a year every new law passed seemed like a great idea. I fully supported the “War On Terror” and completely hated all middle easterners no matter what there character. By the time reason finally set in though, the damage was already done. The Patriot Act had been passed, which in no way sounds like a bad thing considering a patriot is someone who loves their country. But really the Patriot Act was a huge breach on our privacy. The FBI can now tap your phone, watch your computer, put video cameras just about anywhere, and perform many other unconstitutional acts that violate your personal privacy. September 11th seemed to be more beneficial than harmful for out corrupt government. They were able to raise taxes, pass unjust laws, receive huge donations to all there poor underfunded agencies and gain the public support. The only downside was a big mess in the middle of Manhattan. It makes one ponder, “was this an inside job?”.As citizens of America we shouldn’t be strangers to hidden intentions. Like tollbooths, that will only stay up until the thruways are paid off, but years after the highways are paid off they still stand? You ask why, they say maintenance. But don’t we already have a tax for road maintenance? There are two things you can be sure of in life, death and taxes. I’ve got a few new ones, the government will try and take as much money from you as possible, once they have a new tax, it will not go away, and they will try and keep you as ignorant to their blatant as possible. On July 24, 2003 New York States Clean Air Act came into effect. This new law prohibits smoking in nearly all public buildings. (I want to state that I am not a smoker, but I respect a persons right to smoke.) Upon first hearing this I was outraged, I remember thinking, I can’t believe they’re doing this! Once again they’re doing the thinking for us. How could this even get passed? It’s a simple concept, if you don’t want to be around cigarettes then don’t go to or work at a bar. Not being a smoker this never really effected, it actually helped my family considering my grandfather owns a completely family operated bar (family operated businesses were exempt from the law). Either way I was still outraged. But the true intentions of the law came out in early 2006 when they amended the law allowing public buildings to obtain a permit for $100! So now after banning smoking, to protect poor employees and bar customers, they have decided that for $100 you can now disregard their law? It makes no sense at all, a matter of fact it makes even less sense than the clean air act. It just goes to show that money is the driver behind all of their intentions. There are countless other examples of the Governments hidden intentions. Even the most sincere plans turn out to be a facade in which to hide taxes behind. Why?This is a simple question with a very simple answer. Greed. Although it would be unconstitutional for a politician to raise his salary during his term, he can always raise it for his next term. Did you know that when our highly overpaid politicians retire, they receive full pension? It’s the same with most government jobs. When you consider the amount of government jobs its easy to see how things get out of control. But that’s not the only reason. Our country has changed from the world’s largest creditor to the world’s largest debtor. This happened around 1971 when we reneged on one of the promises we were founded on. The Gold Standard. With the amount of money in circulation technically it was all completely worthless, so we decided to go with a new system. The words “legal tender” replaced the 8,000 plus tons of gold we supposedly had. Technically in a world where one man can have 46 billion dollars in his possession we wouldn’t be able to keep the gold standard. So now our money is backed on the goods and services of the people of the United States, which now gives the U.S. Treasury the ability to print unlimited money, but to give our money some value we have to be taxed beyond belief. Technically being in debt to another nation is the same as being enslaved by them, considering, our system would require the goods and services of the citizens of the United States to pay off our debt. A debt that was racked up by an incompetent government that looks for ways to push problems off (like social security) rather than deal with them now.Of course being a high paid politician who does little or no work is a desirable job. So getting re-elected is always important. Elections bring out the worst in possible candidates. All the mud slinging and bribes. Bribes? Yes, bribes. They are called political factions. Send a letter to a political candidate, you will get a pre written letter thanking you for your concern, and assuring you that said politician is working to improve your quality of life. Tell them you have large sums of money to put towards their campaign, and you’ll see the difference. It’s disgusting how corrupt the system is. Simply put, Politicians work for money, not for the people. How can we possibly trust a group of people only looking to increase their wallets, to do anything beneficial? You can’t. It’s sad to have to say it, but things aren’t looking up. The way I see things we can have a HOSTILE TAKEOVER (this does not neccesarily mean a war, more like a clean slate) or we can voluntarily become slaves. It’s up to us, and most certainly do not want to be a slave.
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