Critical Animals Creative Research Symposium 2015
Criticalanimals runs an international year-round program of electronic arts and culture events including the annual Critical animal’s festival, as part of This Is Not Art held in Newcastle. The organization is dedicated towards fostering emerging artists and art forms through skills development and artistic exchange. The This Is Not Art festival is Australia’s largest gathering of artists, activities and commentators and is made of five independent festivals, of which it is the largest. The other partner festivals include the National Young Writers Festival, Sound Summit, Critical Animals and the Crack Theatre festival. Critical Animals in particular endeavors to catalyze, strengthen, and explore the links between creative practice and theory. We have a flexible definition of research that encompasses creative, experimental, interrogative, discursive, and practice-led approaches. As usual, our applications are interested in anybody whose work explores different avenues regarding the experience and elucidation of basic exploration. We intend to present a mentally powerful yet available project of crowd centered occasions discussion is key. Critical Animals invites research material and reflections on poetics, legislative issues, reasoning, style, practice-drove research, biological craftsmanship and ecopoetics, building design, plan, musicology, basic hypothesis, sound workmanship, social history, film, movement, culinary expressions, comic drama, half breed and multi-expressions hones and the crossing point of workmanship with different controls or the regular. Basic Animals is about investigating inquisitive corners, so we are interested in all boulevards not unequivocally specified. Critical Animals is particularly interested in facilitating connections across disciplines and encourages collaborative approaches. In assessing your proposal we will consider how your work may form interesting connections with other applicants, artists and thinkers or even take on new forms. As we contemplate the many iterations of the ‘Possible Futures’ highlighted at our 2014 festival, we now look forward to another year of presenting experimental work by all you folk out there. As we approach Critical Animals’ 12th year, we want to invite you to come join our team. Since we've had a chance to consider the current year's festival, we have to send a monstrous THANK YOU to most of our supporters, individuals, venues, and gatherings of spectators. We are all that much a mammoth fuelled by coordinated effort and interest, so we genuinely couldn't have done it without you. Conceivable Futures are Go! How quick has this year gone? Would you be able to accept that we're just a matter of weeks from our eleventh celebration?? Believe it or not: Critical Animals is back! The Critical Animals 2014 project can be seen on our site NOW! If you don't mind don't hesitate to take a squib at our stunning line-up. If you would like to be involved with Critical Animals but you do not have a proposal, contact us with details on your interests or areas of expertise and how we might use your skills in the festival. In your proposal please outline your practice, your project and the way in which you’d like to present it. We are always looking for volunteers, installers, invigilators, and tech gurus. For more information visit the site .
About the Author
Critical Animals brings critical research together students, researchers, writers, artists, academics and thinkers who are critically engaged in creative and experimental art practices. Critical Animals is a probability to present documents, research content and innovative exercise with an aim to producing conversation and cooperation.
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