Medical Scooter

by Gregory Hepburn

Medical scooters are also known as mobility scooters. They are available in three or four-wheel models based on the capacity and the level of stability required by the rider. They can be steered with a tiller or a handlebar similar to the ones used on bicycles. They are mostly used by elderly and disabled persons, and enable them to achieve a noticeable degree of improvement in their movement and independence. While previous models used to be weighty and cumbersome, improvements in technology and manufacturing techniques have resulted in lighter and more manoeuvrable models now being available.

Medical scooters are available in both electrical and gas powered models. The electrical model is more well-liked than the gas powered one which is not permitted in all the States in order to keep pollution levels low, specially in restricted spaces. Both models can be used for travelling short as well as long distances.

The electrical models use batteries which can retain a charge for approximately ten hours or for travelling a distance of about twenty five miles at speeds of up to eight miles per hour. The four wheeled model can carry approximately 100 pounds extra weight than the three wheeler but is heavier and bulkier. Both models can be taken apart into sections for convenient transportation.

Medical scooters are available in well known brand names and models; they have a number of options to meet personal preferences such as colors, easy operability, automatic locking, adjustable luxurious seats, lights, large capacity carrying basket and many others. Medical scooters are becoming increasingly more popular than wheelchairs ever were.

The price of a medical scooter varies according to its capacity, and can be bought online or from retail stores.

About the Author

Gregory Hepburn is an online marketer and entrepreneur who specializes in content websites. His new website on Medical Scooter has been published. Please see for more information.

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