Work at home from your computer

affiliate programs

by Maurice Potter

How to work at home from computer? We can join in some affiliate programs and earn more money from  Pay-per-sale, Pay-per-lead,  Pay-per-Click, Pay-per-impression, pay-per-Survey,  pay-per-phone, etc.     and we can start making $100, $500, even $1,000+ every day by work at home from computer.

   Pay-Per-Sale  ------ you are paid a commission when a visitor clicks on a link or banner on your site, and then purchases a product on  the merchant's site.  For the most part you will find that per-sale programs will have high payouts .  A big reason for this being that the merchant has actually brought in money from the sale so he gives you a cut.      Paying per sale is often seen as the payment model most favorable to advertisers and least favorable to publishers. In such an  agreement,  the publisher must not only be concerned with the quality and quantity of his or her audience, but also the quality of the advertiser's creative units and destination site.  For advertisers,  pay per sale has some unique advantages compared to pay  per click and pay per lead.   There are fewer concerns about whether conversions are legitimate, and whether traffic is  incentives or of low quality.

  Pay-Per-Lead ------- you are paid a set amount  for  each  visitor  you send to the  merchant's site that performs an action, such as joining their program, signing up for their newsletter, filling out a survey, etc.     Pay-per-lead programs are generally designed to promote some type of free service or product. An example would be Z Media's free email newsletter subscriptions  or  CallWave's free software download that allows users to monitor incoming calls while they are online.  Since the  merchant is mainly looking for a way to widely distribute their product or service, they are willing to pay you for each user, subscriber or member you attract. Generally these payments range from $0.05 to $20 for each 'action' taken by one of your referred visitors.     Let's  take  a  look  at a simple example,  using  some  real data,   but with program names changed to protect  the innocent (and the guilty). Program A is pay-per-lead and pay $1 for each new user you refer to their free, downloadable software. Program B is pay-per-sale and pays about a $5 commission for a similar software product that costs $25.     An affiliate decides to promote both to see which results in higher  overall commissions.  After two months of testing, the affiliate referred 200 new users to Program A,  earning him $200.   He also referred  30 new users to Program B, earning him $150. The affiliate decided to stay with program A for obvious reasons. Pay-per-lead  also  lends  itself  to a wide variety  of  marketing strategies.   Since  you are offering  your  visitors or subscribers  something  they  can receive  for free,    you can easily position ads for pay-per-lead offers as a valuable service to them. When done properly, you are adding value to your web site at the same time you are adding a revenue stream.

Pay-Per-Click- ------programs allow you to earn revenue from your web site by displaying banner ads for rious online  merchants  and  web sites.  With each program,   you will earn a specific amount per click-through you send to their site.  Maximizing  revenue from  these  program will be dependent on two things-----increasing the amount of traffic to your site, and improving click-through ratios by finding ads that fit your visitor's interests.       When used as distinct terms, PPC indicates payment based on click-throughs, while CPC indicates measurement of cost on a  per-click basis  for contracts not based on click-throughs.      For example,    consider a campaign where payment is based on impressions, not clicks. Impressions are sold for $10 CPM with a click-through rate (CTR) of 2%.  1000 impressions x 2% CTR = 20 click-throughs   , $10 CPM / 20 click-throughs = $.50 per click   Pay- Per-Impression --------affiliate  programs  pay  you  for every  'view'  that an advertisement  on  your  site receives. The rates pay per impression programs generally pay are on a CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) basis.       Pay per impression programs  pay you on the basis  of  the number of  ads you show rather than any other criteria required from the users side,  like clicks,  signups etc.   Pay  per impression  are  the  safest  mode o f advertisement. Which is :1. Cheaper for the Advertiser (since the rates are low but are less reliable)2. Quite reliable for Publisher but low paying. Publishers don't have to worry about clicks or signups.

Now , How to provided the best of affiliate programs and make more money?

Please visit us for more information---------

We provided a lots  best of affiliate programs,  help you identify strategic partners, and  help affiliates with affiliate programs, earn more money  from web. as well as  a guide as to how to promote affiliate programs,  and which affiliate programs to promote programs, Also you can identify new programs that you may not have thought about in the past. Your affiliates can introduce your products  and  services  to  their  nich e markets  using  their  own channels at no additional cost to your business. you could join in some affiliate programs,  and  make more money.

About the Author

We provided a lots of best affiliate programs, help you identify strategic partners, and help affiliates with affiliate programs, earn more money from web. ---------

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