The Post Workout Meal and its Importance Towards Muscle Building
Understanding The Post Workout Meal, and its Importance Towards Muscle Building
Someone has probably told you that your post exercise snack is the most important meal of the day. The rumor is true, and there are certain things that happen to the body when you complete your workout. A catabolic condition arises; this is where the muscles glycogen is exhausted and your cortisol levels start to break down muscle tissue. This is not a very good state and the only way to undo this mess and turn it into an anabolic state, is to eat some sort of post workout meal as soon as possible. The meal should be consumed after your workout or training. The objective we are aiming for is to replenish muscle glycogen, along with digestible protein so we can jumpstart are muscular repair. The rush of carbohydrates and amino acids from the digested meal support an insulin release from the pancreas, this transfers nutrients into the muscle cells.
The meal you consume should contain 350 – 500 calories for the greatest response. There is a difference between male and female however. The female may only need somewhere between 300 – 350 calories if she weighs around 120 – 130 lbs. A male however who weighs 200 lb may need up to 500 calories in their meal. The ratio of carbohydrates and protein should be anywhere from 2:1 – 4:1 for both sexes. The best thing you could do for yourself is to watch what you eat; if your eating fats, make sure they are healthy. If you can keep your fats to least amount possible, do that instead because it’s the total opposite of what we want after are exercises. With this in mind we now know that we don’t need these expensive supplements that magazines and websites are trying to sell us. These advertisers will also tell you that you NEED these supplements in order to get where you want. These supplements are no different from what you are doing when you’re eating your meal. It’s always best to do things the natural way, therefore try to stay away from these so-called “magic formulas”. There are many digestible natural carbohydrates available such as pineapples; grapes, melon, broccoli, honey and you name it. These carbs will create the anabolic effect needed for muscle construction. The best place to purchase these types of foods is at some sort of organic food market. A great source of well digestible protein could be fat-free yogurt, skim milk, and whey protein. Whey protein is optional but most recommended, it is a very popular product, and contains a great amount of value for a post workout. I often make a smoothie or milk shake before or after a workout. The best flavor in my opinion is chocolate whey protein mixed with Banana and two tablespoons of maple syrup. Try to be creative and make some fun out of it! If your looking to get rid of your body fat, you want to have the complete opposite food traits in all you’re other meals throughout the day. The rest of your meals should be low glycemic, slowly digesting carbohydrates, and slow discharge of proteins. These are the factors needed for a low body fat percentage.
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