Nutrition Q and A: Obtaining the Freaky Defined Look
Can you give me some tips on how to achieve that freaky, ultra defined yet massive look on contest day?Well, that’s a tall order. Lets make a couple of assumptions here – firstly, that you’ve already built an appreciable amount of mass (you wouldn’t be competing otherwise, right?) and secondly, that you’ve spent the last dozen or so weeks dieting down and exercising to strip off as much body fat as possible. With those givens in place, then, lets focus on the last 5 days before the contest. What you do during this time period is critical to your success. So, let’s get started.There are four key variables that you have to get just right this week. They are carbs, sodium, water and training. You need to make up a wall chart to allow you to pinpoint exactly what must be done regarding each of these, each day leading up to the contest. Stick with it 100 and you’ll be ready to conquer. Lets take it day by day, assuming that contest day is next Saturday:Monday and Tuesday: eat six small meals today, spaced about 2.5 hours apart. Up until 3pm those meals should contain about 60 carbs. After 3pm, cut out the carbs all together. Drink at least a gallon of sodium free water. Cardio exercise – one hour in the morning on an empty stomach.Wednesday: same eating schedule but gradually cut back on the day time carbs. Up the water intake to as much as two gallons. Same cardio routine.Thursday and Friday; Continue the same eating pattern but focus today on cutting out sodium completely. Reduce your water intake to half a gallon, to be taken before 7pm. Same cardio routine.Saturday: a small breakfast with about 65 carbs. Sip water sparingly as you need it.Follow the above to the letter and you should enter stage mid morning for the pre-judging with defined abs, eye-popping vascularity and pumped, full muscular definition. Good luck!About the Author: Dane Fletcher is the world's foremost training authority. He writes exclusively for, a leading online provider of creatine and many other Bodybuilding Supplements. For more information, please visit
About the Author
About the Author: Dane Fletcher is the world's foremost training authority. He writes exclusively for, a leading online provider of creatine and many other Bodybuilding Supplements. For more information, please visit
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