Invest Rs 100.00 & earn Rs 1 lakh per month
This exclusive offer is for people living within India. (Especially meant for house wives and students as well as meant for all.) Please read this mail completely patiently and don't come to a conclusion before that.
Dear Friend,
In the present days economic situation all are struggling hard to earn money. Even if one has job he is looking for means to earn part time additional income. Here is an offer for you. This is an opportunity for house wives, students and even employed persons to earn a good income working at their leisure times. Please read this entire letter patiently.
This exclusive offer is for people living within India
A few weeks back, I was browsing through newsgroup; I came across an article similar to this that said, you could make Lakhs of Rupees within weeks with only an initial investment of Rs.100! it said that by paying the amount I will get the details of many online companies providing data entry projects and other type of online works. And also the company provides an opportunity to earn through by itself also. I previously tried to make a search by my self but it took 6 to 7 hours i.e. a cost of 160 rupees but did not get full length information. So I thought of sending the amount and receive the information as I am getting it effortlessly and I can start working online. Also I thought if this is a scam what I am going to loose is 100 rupees which is not at all a big amount know-a-days.
The article said that you send Rs.20 to the Main Database Address stated below and to each of the other 4 sub addresses stated in the article. You then delete #1 name and address and move the other four addresses up, that is 4 becomes 3, 3 becomes 2, 2 becomes 1. Now #4 will be blank. Place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #4, and post the article in at least 300 newsgroups. (There are about a million) No doubt, that was it. So after thinking it over, I thought about trying it. I figured what have I got to lose Rs.100, right? I thought it is equal to the amount what I am spending for filling fuel in my vehicle or spending at a restaurant. Then I invested the merely Rs.100. I got the details; the Company provides an opportunity to earn in two ways. It sends us the details of the companies providing online jobs and then allows us to work for it also. By changing the names as I said above we will be getting M.O by passing on this information to many others who are in need of such information but not being able to get it, by news groups or many similar means. Then I started working for two of the companies, which it sent me and then started working for this firm also.
Well GUESS WHAT HAPPENED! Within 7 days, I started getting money order. I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about Rs.500, which is 5 times the money I invested. By the end second week I had made a total over Rs.8, 000. In the third week I had over Rs.72, 000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over 2, 12,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth Rs.100 .I spent more than that on the lottery, but I never got anything back. So you too want to join if so,
Here is what to do
Money Order Rs 20 each to below five members including main database don't forget to write down your email address in the money order form.
Main Database Address * Mr. Srikant Sekhar Sahoo, Co-B.C.Bisoi At-British Radio Lane, Samanta Sahi, New Colony. Cuttack, Orissa. Sub Addresses: Sub Addresses
#1) Aurobinda Prasad Jena
At-Kantabania, Po-Raitola,
Via-AnandPur, Dist-Keonjhar,
#2) Abraham Jacob
Navarangam Lane Medical College P.O Trivandrum
Kerala- 695011
#3) G.Madhava Krishna
21-11-51/A, Lecturers' colony,
Madhuranagar, Vijayawada – 520011.
Andhra Pradesh.
#4) P. Renuka,
A/B2 Rite Choice, Ganesa Apartments,
No.33 D Velachery Main Road, Velachery,
Chennai - 600042.
Tamil Nadu.
WRITE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN EVERY MO YOU SEND TO YOUR UPLINER. Communicate with Mr. Srikant with the same email as you have written in MO. It is necessary for better and speed transaction. Write down the name and address of your up liner with MO No. and Date to whom you have sent MO with the email id you have written in MO. Also write down your name with address in the same mail.
STEP 2: Now go to Sub Addresses and take the #1 name off (delete) the list that you see above, move the other names up (4 becomes 3, 3 becomes 2, 2 becomes 1) and add YOUR Name as number 4 on the list. Try to remember that you don't change the Main Database Address. (*For example You are deleting Aurobinda Prasad Jena, Then Abraham Jacob becomes 1, G.Madhava Krishna becomes 2, Dolevardhan Majhi becomes 3 and insert your name in the place of #4 *)
STEP 3: Send an E-mail to->, with the subject "Include Me in Main Database" and with the Description "I have sent to you and to the other 4 up-line members a sum of Rupees 20 each by Money Order." In the mail also write down the member name with MO No to whom you have send money. Also write down the date of sending MO. This will enhance the communication skill and increase the speed of transaction. Send this mail only after you have sent postal money order with money to the main member and to the other 4 up-line members. Remember to mention the name and address of the 4 up liner to whom you have send money. MENTION YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN EVERY MO YOU SEND IT'S MOST IMPORTANT . STEP 4: i) You will receive a message from immediately, and we will, include you in our Main Database, after the confirmation of the payments of all up liners
ii) I will send you a list of Newsgroups where you can post the message,
iii) Send you instruction on how to post the Message,
iv) Send you details about other data entry, transcription, back-office, free subscription earning programs, online trades, businesses and about other projects on Net and offline as and when it is available and other details, after making necessary cross-checks and after confirming the receipt of money order from you.
If you do not get any reply from us, even after 10 days from the date of sending Postal Mail/Courier, send a mail to with the subject 'I have not received confirmation'. We would take necessary actions immediately."
STEP 5: Now, post your amended article to minimum 300 newsgroups. (There are nearly 25,000 newsgroups (we will provide you 300)) All you need is 300, but remember, the more you post, and the more money you make.
************************************************************ DIRECTIONS--HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS: We will send you a list of Newsgroups, forums, boards to Post this Message and other instructions and help on how to post the message, on the confirmation of your Postal Money Order.
1) Why should I pay money for this? We are providing vast information regarding online and offline jobs and we are not doing social service. We ask you to pay our members a mere consultation fee of Rs 20 each for 5 members as they are working in collecting the information and passing it to many people. If one sits searching for this information it takes 5 to 6 hours and the cost of Internet also will be equal to 100 or 120. Once you become member you too can do the other jobs and work for us and earn. Collecting 20 rupees for each member is very much legal as we are charging consultancy fee only for adding you name in the main database and giving the details of other jobs.
2) Why should I post to 300 Newsgroups? It is Compulsory? Out of 300 postings, say you receive only 10% response that is 30 replies (a very low example). So then you make Rs 600 with your name at #4 on the letter. Now, each of the 30 persons who just sent you Rs.20.00 each, make the MINIMUM 300 postings, each with your name at #3 and only 10 persons respond to each of the original 10, that is another Rs.6000 for you Now those 10 each make 300 MINIMUM posts with your name at #2 and only get 10% replies each, It will bring in an additional Rs.18, 00,000! Now, those 10% persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 300 with your name at #2 and only receive 10% replies each, you will make an additional Rs.54, 00,000! OK, Imagine in case you post in more than 300 newsgroups and get more than 10% response. Sky is the limit. With an original investment of only Rs.100! AMAZING! You can too become a Millionaire. (There are a million news groups and we tell you should post in 300 news groups only at a minimum. And even you can send this message through mails to your friends and others and they too can join under you.)
3) Is there any training program? Yes. The training manual containing how to work and earn one and half lakhs and more in 2 months working for 15 hours per month will be sent to you as soon as you join as a member (you an even earn more of you work more). Remember this is not sent by the company. I developed mine own methodology and earning a lot of money through it. I want you too to earn and so I will provide you that if you rely up on me and send the M.O as said above. You can earn one and half lakhs for every two months you work.
4) What are the benefits I'm getting by joining this program? You get many benefits by joining this program. They are i) You can earn a lot by your down-line members of this program.ii) Your Email Id, Name and Address will be included in the main database maintained by Mr. Srikant.iii) As a member of the main database you will get information's and reports about new jobs and business opportunities on Net and offline work. This will include new business opportunities in Data Entry, Typing Jobs, Data Transcription, Data Warehousing, Email Processing, Programming, Referral Programs, and Money making opportunities, Work from Home Projects and so on. iv) By joining in any of the above said programs (e.g., Data Entry), you can make another million. v) You will receive these reports as and when the opportunities are available. And it's left up to you to join or not. Some may require investment and some may not.
5) Is there any end to this program? No, the online companies increase the jobs and even the foreign projects will be done in India. So the importance for these companies increase. As they can't employ full length employees for these projects they go for people doing online data entry jobs and once you join these companies you can work for all the projects that these companies deal. At the present situation where the government jobs are decreasing this turns out to be a great help to earn income. This program continues, as many will be in need of the information of such companies.
6) How much can I earn from this? By working to different online companies you can work according to the work you do. Working for our firm, because of our training program one can a minimum of 50000 doing the minimum work. If you can work more you can earn more. At an average one can earn 1.5 lakhs in 2 months.
7) Is there any time limit to get my name enrolled in the main database by paying a fee of Rs 100? Good question. There is no time limit from our side. But what happens is when the offer passes among many people and they start joining the number of members increase. Also as we told early we can only provide the information of the companies offering both online and offline jobs. We have no tie-ups with them so we can't make them wait till your turn come. So they recruit of first come first serve basis. And they may stop once the openings get filled. Then we can't do any thing. So what I advise you is as it is only a matter of hundred rupees just send the money now (20 rupees each to five addresses) and get enrolled soon. Then you can opt from among the offers and as well as work for us also and earn much income just working part time for 3-4 hours a day.
8) What will happen if anybody alters the Names in the list dis-honestly? Don't worry about that. This is a full-proof plan. We have a specialized system of program for tracking the members, their down-line and the direction in which it moves on. So, it is very easy for us to find out any sudden deviations in it. Further, we have a system of making cross-checks periodically. So any Malpractice's can be found out easily. And again, we have another system to check whether the newly joined member have sent the payment to his/her up-line member.
WARNING: Any body who tries to do any misrepresentation, malpractices and mis-conduct will immediately be terminated from the main database and will be added to the offensive database maintained. By the termination from main database and legal action will be taken against him/her. Some People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all five thinking that they could get all the money. But it does not work this way. The software is designed in that way. Remember don't loose a million for the sake of just 20 Rupees.
9) I don't have sufficient time but interested to join? If you don't have time but interested in the plan then mail to with subject "NO TENSIONINCOME" Mr. Srikant will give the details within fraction of seconds. (The greatest part of this program is to become millionaire without doing anything for details mail to With subject "no tension income" wait for 5 minutes, check also the "bulk" or "Inbox" folder the message may go to bulk folder of your email)
10) Should I have mine own PC at home? Not necessary. If you have a pc and Internet connection you can work from home. Or else you can even do this from a cyber café also. And also you need not have knowledge of any soft ware. Only basic knowledge in word is enough to work with many of the companies and with us too.
11) What about taxes and other things? It's all left up to you and you have to deal it
13) I from so and so... Can I join this Program? This program is meant for people within India. You can be from any part of India.
************************************************************ Note: We will send you a list of Newsgroups (web sites), forums, and boards to Post this Message and other instructions and help on how to post the message, only after the confirmation of your Money Order.
So, don't miss your chance.
I am advising this to you as I am earning money and want to offer this to others also. In this plan you are just required to invest 100 rupees. I firstly hesitated but what I thought is 100 is just what I spend when I get fuel in my vehicle once or go to a restaurant or cinema. So I invested. And now I am earning lot more than that. In addition to this I am having lot of information regarding data entry projects and online and offline earning programs and working with them. In India to day all are wishing to earn part time income. But all other plans are too costly. And this is a matter of just 100 rupees, which even a student can invest. We made you many offers before but never insisted on joining them. We just advised and left it to your choice. But I am strongly insisting this as it helps you in earning better part time income by just investing Rs 100, which is not at all a big amount. I know the value of the money and advise this as it helps you in earning additional income. The only one qualificat ion that one should posses to join this is zeal to work and earn money. All the necessary training will be provided by us. And lastly what I want to tell you is one must have confidence in himself and seriousness to earn money. Unless it is present it is useless knowing and receiving offers like this. I think you have such interest and so you gave me your mail id. And if I cause any disturbance or trouble to you by sending this mail please forgive me. Once again I request you to join the program don't worry whether you can do or not I will personally provide you training how to work and earn. You can earn 1.5 lakhs in 2 months if you follow just 50% of training I provide you. So please don't hesitate.
Join Now!
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