7 Smoking Marketing Tips To Lift Your Sales

by Ken Hill

1. Have special offers or add ons at your point of sale.

For example, after your visitors click on your order link you could offer them a package deal, a discount on an upgrade, or you could offer them a sale on one of your other related products.

2. Split test your site.

Create different versions of your sales page and then test them to see which one is most successful in turning your visitors into new customers.

In each version, test only one thing (i.e., a new bonus or guarantee) so that you'll be able to know for certain what is responsible for your increase in sales.

3. Develop a "unique selling proposition."

With your unique selling proposition (USP) you'll be able to get a leg up on your competition, by clearly sharing and reinforcing why people should start and continue to do business with you.

4. Write articles.

Get free promotion by writing articles that deal with topics your target audience is interested in.

Submit your articles to ezine publishers, article directories and article archive sites. Also get the word out about them by submitting them to article announcement lists.

5. Publish an ezine.

Your ezine will help you to successfully follow up with your visitors and will give you an easy way to announce any special sales or promotions you have going on.

6. Offer a bonus.

You could develop or obtain several unique bonuses to use as limited time offers.

That way once the deadline for getting one runs out, you can simply offer the next bonus with your new deadline.

7. Survey your customers.

Surveying your customers will help you to identify what you do right, and help you to retain your customers by showing you things you need to work on.

About the Author

Ken runs the Net Pro Marketer where you'll find informative articles from top notch article writers. Browse through the articles and pick up a great FREE report at: http://netpromarketer.com

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