Are There Any Real Psychics Out there...Buyer Beware

by Ecumeniste Z

For many, genuine psychic readings bring memories of circus tents and carnivals with glass balls and dim lights as a gypsy lady held your hand and read your palm. Although these attractions were mainly for entertainment, some believers swear they found answers to their questions and promises for their future.

How real are these sittings? Many people are avid believers, and not only believe, they live by these readings. Even former first ladies would have their personal psychics come to the White House to discuss everything from their husbands' political future to details for a formal tea party. For some people, subjects as everyday as what color shoe to wear to the best time to join a health club were equally paramount during the readings.

Even though the scientific community can't quite admit or agree on whether psychic abilities exist, there is no disputing the facts that some "readings" are right on target. Whether these self proclaimed psychics and mediums are just lucky guessers, or they have a real ability most of us don't, crimes are solved, missing persons are located, and alleged spirits of the dead are able to pass on information to the living using the talents of these individuals.

Psychics have come to the forefront of entertainment over the past decade. Television shows with hosts who claim to communicate with dead relatives of audience members were popular for a few years. Then the reality shows began where ghost hunters would investigate haunted sites, frequently bringing famed psychics along in order to communicate with spirits who might be there.

Individuals who believe in these abilities frequently seek out and use the services of psychics. There are many "real" psychics who will arrange for private sittings, usually at some very steep costs. However, what is a "real" psychic and how does one go about discerning the genuine from the frauds? There's no one particular method; it's simply a buyer beware caveat.

Although some people say they can perform readings online or by phone, this probably isn't the way to go to begin with. There are a few psychics who frequent the paranormal and talk shows. They are rare in that they have powerful abilities. However, for the average person who just wants to know when he can expect to find a job, the prices for a sitting with the likes of these professionals would be prohibitive for the average Joe.

Keep in mind that fame and publicity don't necessarily authenticate anyone's credentials. You should let the fact that they're not in the spotlight make you doubt their gifts.

Don't just run to the first psychic you hear about, ask friends, family and surprisingly, the internet for referrals. Chances are you aren't the only person in your circle of friends who has ever had an interest in this. It's no longer considered crazy or embarrassing to have gone this route to discuss problems and look for answers. Nowadays, surprising numbers of people feel better going to psychic before even considering consulting Mental health professionals.

Look in the Yellow Pages for paranormal research teams. Call local groups and ask if they work with a psychic they could refer you to.

About the Author

Ecumeniste has been reading professionally for 17 + years & is has been tested & certified as genuine. She owns & can be reached there for a reading. She also hosts Two Internet Call-in shows with free readings for the callers. You can also contact her at her email

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