How to Generate Loads Of Free Traffic To Your Website Everyday!

by Hans Silver

When using ezine ads place them in ezines which are related to your market, which have subscribers who would be interested in your product or service. You can find ezines in ezine directories and you should be subscribed to a few of them already, start with these.

Even if the retailer is selling legitimate visits to your site through some sort of ad network, much of the time the traffic is completely non-targeted and you are lucky to receive 1 sale or sign up as a result of those 100,000 worthless visits.

While most sites see drastic reductions of traffic from May to August, certain summer-oriented sites tend to be protected from the summer burn. May, June and July kick off the blockbuster movie season, drawing millions of visitors to Cinema sites. According to, traffic to their site rose 66% to 600,000 visitors and Twentieth Century Fox Film reported that web site traffic jumped 26% to 372,000 visitors. For the lucky few online Cinema sites, summer’s heat fires up traffic.

Buy traffic - There is one fast way to deliver traffic by the thousands to your website within 24 hours. Buy traffic from traffic brokers. Most traffic brokers show your website as a full page pop-under without the internet explorer bar on selected type of geo targeting and category.

How to Generate Loads Of Free Traffic To Your Website!

One of the most popular ways to generate free traffic to your website these days is to use a free traffic exchange service.

A traffic exhange is website service that enables you to view someones website, and others in turn view yours. You earn credits when you view someones site, and you use those credits to have others view your site.

Internet marketers would like to know how to bring traffic to their websites quickly, without spending any money. Traffic exchanges can accomplish this. Similar to browsers who walk into the high street shops to "Touch and Feel" the merchandise.

Although very few and far between, some traffic sellers actual provide targeted traffic from expired domains. Although I would not recommend it, if you are intent on purchasing traffic this way I would ensure that the traffic is from expired domains. There are many myths surrounding the art of traffic generation, often created by unscrupulous web marketers who claim they can 'double your site traffic for just $99 per month' or 'submit your site to 1000 search engines and watch your traffic grow'. Such bogus claims should be ignored if you are serious about traffic.

The important thing to note for online businesses is that decreased traffic doesn’t necessarily have to mean decreased profits. Make the most out of summer Internet traffic and prepare your site for fall and winter traffic increases. Now is the perfect time to update and optimize your site.

The greatest benefit comes in when you sign up others and receive traffic from their efforts. The different types of exchanges are start page exchanges, manual surf, and auto surf.

The key is to join more than one exchange, it could be start page, manual or auto surf exchange, and promote them to get referrals.

Go to any search engine such as yahoo or excite, and search for traffic exchanges. There are hundreds, with new ones being established everyday.

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Do not make the mistake of including the URL of your internet opportunity on each and every manual traffic exchange you are participating....instead...use some of your traffic exchange affiliate links to derive the benefits of residual traffic in the long run. The internet has proven to be a very reliable source in finding what was deemed to be a very unsearchable product. The internet has made the world a smaller place; you can advertise a product from the depths of Istanbul and still find a buyer from the center of Philadelphia.

Also, when people see the same ad over and over again, they get desensitized to it. Don't fall into this trap. It's one thing to try and sell a very popular product/service/ebook etc, but it's another thing when a million other people are trying to do it too. Competition is a good thing, because it validates your market, but too much competition is tough and it's time to move on to something else.

You write an article, mention your site, submit it to e-zines and garner traffic from curious visitors. It's as simple as that. Don't just stop at one website - post your site anywhere possible! Who knows how many hits this low cost advanced website traffic tactic will bring!

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