Renewable Energies - let's discuss of it...

by Francesco Savino

Our world, our Earth, is changing irreversibly. It will be too much soon difficulty to return back, to recover the lost ground and to give a turn to the trial of the degrade that torments the Planet. The hand of the Man has always made its own affairs, resolved its own problems, without being thankful to Mother Nature of the beautiful dream that has given, the Life! It's very important that the revolution of the industrial era starts immediately, exploiting all the available means. I have aimed at the net, Internet, that unites so much people and that allows to reduce the distances on the parallels. I feel strong the necessity to make my part, to tell mine respect and to spread a sense of "Environmental Conscience" that move from the lower part and pushes toward a cleaner future. I am engineer with a Master in Renewable Energies and, from the technological side, I give mine, I bring writing, every now and then, interesting articles that technologically explain the more revolutionary processes of production of energy existing, illustrating the operation of the energy renewable plants with animations in Flash, for then to leave space to personal reflections. I would like that also you render yours I bring. For beings true promoters, you need to know the matter, to know how to expose well the problem to your friend, to yours nearby, to the future. I invite you to take action of these considerations and to want to make a visit to my site web. The site web is in Italian language, however I have inserted to the right a link, that allows to translate the contents of the page that you visualize to video: For any explanation, write me!

About the Author

I'm an italian engineer working on renewable energies

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