Free Web Traffic Strategies - How To Increase Website Traffic For Free

by Adam S Harding

These free web traffic strategies will show you how to increase website traffic for free.

You can either spend money and pay for traffic or you can spend time to get free traffic. This article is about how to increase website traffic for free.

* Write Each Day - For best results you should write at least one blog post per day. If you really mean business then I would suggest blogging 3 times per day. Each blog post you write becomes like your own online real estate that can generate blog traffic for you for years to come. It is a slow process at first but if you are consistent as you start blogging and keep it up for several months in a row then your progress will exponentially grow. Each blog post is permanent and generates traffic well beyond the date it was initially typed up on.

* Press Releases - You can often get quick traffic from a press release based upon your articles and blog posts. You can edit an existing article into a press release simply by tweaking it to be in a more 3rd person journalistic tone and by putting your key bullet points into quotes. Or you could just write a press release announcing your latest blog post. Then submit and you can get into Google News for a nice traffic spike.

* Facebook Traffic - Facebook is a goldmine of free website traffic. All you have to do is go to a relevant Facebook Group and post a link to your blog post and people will check it out. Many people are put of by this because many groups have so many spammy looking links and adverts in them. But if you take the time to find a quality group that moderates spam then you can simply post a link to your post.

The key with Facebook web traffic marketing is to write an interesting blog post that teaches the reader something and then approach the Group by saying you thought your blog post will help others in that Group. Also ask questions about what people think in terms of your blog post. Including video in the post is another way to increase Facebook web traffic.

* YouTube - Convert articles to video and submit to YouTube to make the most of them. You can simply create a slide show in power point based non your article bullet points and record using free screen capture software called CamStudio. Then re-submit to YouTube for video marketing traffic.

* Submit To Article Directories - Take each article and blog post and submit it to article directories. I like to re-word it slightly and use a different heading. It is not essential to mass blast it out there with Article Marketing Robot or SeNuke, but to manually submit to EzineArticles, Idea Marketers, ArticlesBase, and Go Articles is a good starting point. You can also use a service like to help. Give some of your already existing blog posts backlinks within these articles as well, and have one link to a squeeze page.

About the Author

Take advantage of this increase in website traffic by promoting a high converting offer. For this, check out the $1K A Day Online Marketing System at

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