Ethics Related to Witchcraft

==Witchcraft Ethics==

by Bob Andrews

Don't manipulate others and force them to do things against their will. It's not worth the consequences (I didn't believe there would be any until I experienced a few myself). There is so much free energy and so many free resources that it is virtually unnecessary to manipulate (e.g. bend others to your will without giving them a choice) in order to obtain your goals. If you're ever in doubt as to whether you should do something to or for someone, just imagine how you'd feel if someone did the same thing to you without giving you a choice. Don't use magick as a form of escapism from physical reality. You'll only end up living in and hoping for a fantasy future that never comes. Plan for the future, learn from the past, but LIVE in the present and don't neglect the physical realm. Support your magickal workings with physical action to ensure good results. The physical realm is a great mirror for reflecting your personal internal problems and issues back to yourself (through social interactions). If you're not successful with human interaction in the physical realm, and you're not successful with establishing a comfortable (to you) physical existence for yourself through normal means, then how can you expect to become a successful magickian? Help only those who are willing to help themselves. I know this one sounds selfish, but it avoids wasting time and energy on people who want you to do all the work while they sit back and allow you to spoon-feed them. Such individuals usually don't want to change or fix the root of their problem (which is usually in themselves). They only want a quick fix that will allow them to remain the same. That is why I prefer only to help those who are at least willing to help themselves (even if they're not in a position to do so). Ultimately, regardless of whatever direction you decide to pursue from here, you'll have to figure out a way to put all this stuff together into One system- YOUR OWN. The solitary non-traditionalist would have an advantage here, having been developing his own personal system and ways of viewing reality all along (although in many cases such views are eclectic and often not compatible with mainstream magick systems).

About the Author

Fourteen years ago, Bob Andrews was a witchcraft apprentice for a real authentic wizard in El-Maasara, Cairo , Egypt . This wizard was so powerful that he could summon the wildest entities to help him complete his wishes, even materialize objects. He could enchant everything around him and even influence nature herself with overwhelmingly impressive spells. He used the ancient secret legacy of witchcraft knowledge passed from generation to generation under severe oath. In this same tradition, he passed his knowledge onto Bob.

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