Looking Up An Individual With an Unusal Name

by Gail Leino Leino

Searching for information on the Internet gets even more interesting if the person; whether its a friend, classmate or celebrity has an unusually spelled name.

Fortunately, the more unusual a name or its spelling, the easier it may be to locate that person's information on the Internet; Google for example will give you 819,000 results for John Smith limited to education related sites in English. One also will find any number of Facebook, MySpace and professional resume pages devoted to some of these 'Mary Smiths.' One will find pages devoted to actresses, models, jewelry makers, restaurant owners, Realtors, job recruiters and lawyers named Mary Smith. So in short, when searching for an old classmate or co-worker named Mary Smith or another commonplace moniker, come prepared with as much information as possible; not only the person's name, but their age, their areas of interest, their geographic location, their likely occupation, etc. Otherwise be prepared for what could be a long and potentially cumbersome Internet search.

A much more accessible search can be done for John Smythe on education related sites in English, which gives 4,640 results. This searcher will be faced with far fewer pages and choices, and will have an easier time of finding the person that he/she seeks.

At the same time, the searcher always should remember that the 'world wide web' has earned its name for a reason. No matter how unique the name, he/she still will get a fair number of different results, so it still helps to learn as much information beforehand before starting the Internet search.

Always know for certain what the correct spelling of a name is, or you may get false results. One woman, for example, recently conducted a search on the handsome male model Viggo Jonasson; only she initially spelled his last name Johansson, drawing listings for an investment manager with that name, plus a few for the actors Scarlett Johansson and Viggo Mortensen. Once she learned the correct spelling of the model's name, she was able to access a full range of photos and information regarding Viggo Jonasson.

The Result on a Person with a Uniquely Spelled Name can be a fun and challenging process, and can actually be easier than an Internet search for a common, everyday name. Beyond finding information about the person they seek, the searcher can discover interesting new people that they want to know more about; hence making 'the world wide web' a fun frontier of discovery.

About the Author

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino gives her two cents worth on entertaining. Plus, she generously provides information on free party games http://party-games-etc.com activities, and baby names http://baby-names-etc.com

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