Daily Relaxation - What is your recommend daily allowance?

by Dave Owen

One of the things that we have to contend with as a result of life in modern times is stress. Most of us suffer from stress for one reason or another. As a result, it has a very large impact on our bodies, emotions and minds.

When you are feeling stress or are worn out by from a rough day it is best to just relax.

A very large percentage of the population will choose to watch television for their relaxation. This is not recommended by experts. Watching TV does not create a relaxing atmosphere. It just delivers a huge amount of commercials, sounds and pictures. So what is a good way to achieve relaxation? If there are hundreds of ways to become stressed, there must also be many ways to relax.

Recent research has shown that heart disease is sometimes a result of anger and irritability. And these are primarily linked to mental stress. If we allow too much stress in our lives, this can lead to or cause a heart attack. The management of your anger and attitude is a major factor of heart health. Managing your relaxation can help reduce stress.

Along with lowering blood pressure and reducing the possibility of a stroke or a heart attack, one needs to reduce stress because it produces hormones that will suppress the immune system. This will increase the possibility of disease. (Some say that illness is just that, the absence of relaxation or dis-ease). By relaxing, you give the immune system assistance in recovering and help it to function properly.

Here are a number of ways to reduce increase your relaxation and reduce stress.

1. Transcendental meditation: Research has recently shown that this may be a way to reduce artery blockage, a major cause for heart attack and stroke. The practice of transcendental meditation is done by repeating soothing sounds while meditating. This will help achieve total relaxation. The research indicated that those that practiced transcendental meditation reduced the thickness of their arterial wall as compared to those who didn't practice this form of relaxation.

2. Acupuncture: Another way to reduce high blood pressure, acupuncture initiats many body functions in the brain to release chemical compounds known as endorphins. These chemicals help relax muscles, reduce panic, ease pain, and help with anxiety.

3. Yoga: Known to produce effects similar to acupuncture, yoga is a good tool for relaxation. One study subjected participants to many minutes of mental stress. They were then they were exposed to various relaxation techniques. These included listening to nature sounds or classical music. The subjects who did Yoga had their blood pressure return to normal faster than the others.

4. Breathing: This is one of the easiest methods to use for relaxation. This influences almost every area of the body. It can affect our thought processes, our mood swings, and our physiology. If you will simply focus on your breathing, and block out other thoughts, you will soon be able to begin to relax.

5. Exercise: It is said that "to change emotion, use a motion". A good way to reduce irritation is to perform about 30 minutes of solid exercise. This can include anything from simple walking to strenuous exercise and will normally settle things down.

6. Massage: A great way to get focused relaxation, is to get a massage from a professional massage therapist. These individuals are trained to help relax the body.

I have mentioned just a few of the many ways to relax. Basically, anything that will allow you to slow down and reduce stress will be good for your heart and your health.

About the Author

For more information on stress management, visit Self Improvement Made Easy You can also visit http://stress.happynessisachoice.com/ to find How to easily develop your creativity

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