The Great Affiliate Dependency
Since the advent of the internet affiliate programs have been a staple internet success. Origionally they started out as single tiered programs and eventually evolved into what we have today.
Opportunities for everyone multiplied by ten. But let's take a closer look at affiliate directories and the way they currently operate. What I'm about to tell you will change the way you see things entirely. Don't worry, The rain on your parade will be short-lived.
Affiliate directories currently provide a means to an end. They supply eager affiliates with quality products and services to promote with good commissions which generally keeps affiliates happy and well fed. So what's wrong with that? Nothing except for one thing! You usually sign up to their free e-mail newsletter and go about your business. But wait, there’s more.
What are they doing with that opt in subscriber list of theirs? Making money! Are you cashing in on it? No, they don't want you to. You just signed up as a sub affiliate or they may have a deal with the website for a monthly fee or commission per sale. When you market a product they make money. Nothing wrong with that either.
Question is, how can you recruit your own army of sub affiliates as well? Traditionally when you market a product you target "consumers" not potential sub affiliates. If you're smart you probably provide them a way to join your affiliate program, but how effective is this method? If 1 out of every 100 people buy the product, what's the conversion rate for sub affiliate signups? How about network marketers? I'll let you do the math on that one.
Without a website it's virtually impossible to compete with the big dogs. But wait, all hope is not lost. See,I promised the rain on your parade would be short lived Here’s were the fun really begins.
Imagine, per say opportunities existed for you to overcome these "limitations" and have even more residual income streams. Or better yet, one very stable residual income stream. Would you take advantage of those opportunities? Take into consideration the advantages of 2, 3, and 4 tiered affiliate programs and multilevel marketing.
Multilevel affiliate programs offer you the potential to increase your income dramatically. When the revenue drops in your own sales your bases are covered and you've got nothing to worry about. With multilevel marketing you never have to worry about your income dropping off a cliff and disappearing completely.
Once you’ve recruited your downline all you have to do is help them to succeed for you to succeed. The difference between the two is that affiliate marketing is a glorified one hit wonder and multilevel marketing keeps working for you long after you’ve put in the effort. You don’t have to constantly work at driving traffic to your site in the hopes that sales will be generated.
Now don't go off half cocked thinking you can recruit sub affiliates and do nothing yourself. Without the sales part of the deal you don't have squat! Nobody wants to go through all that work to find that a whole lot of sub affiliates just wanted to get rich quick without any effort on their part!
Ok next question. Are there any websites designed specificly to help affiliates and network marketers succeed? Yes but at a price. As a seasoned marketer or a newbie your always looking for an edge, and most of your time IS STILL being spent being marketed to. And you still don't have access to a stinking opt in email list! With network marketing you don’t have to worry about building a list as much, or maybe not even at all if you so choose.
Now here’s the most important question of all. Even if you did have access to a opt in list what would you do with it? were would you start? Would you be able to duplicate your results thousands and thousands of times over by yourself?
Probably not. Not without a whole lot of time and money invested. It's a sad reality that most marketers don't succeed. Consider all the sources that your getting your information from. Not "ONE" of them has all the answers and they won't give you the chance to all work together with others towards a common goal without the right things being in place at the right time.
About the Author
Since the advent of the internet affiliate programs have been a staple internet success. Origionally they started out as single tiered programs and eventually evolved into what we have today.....
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