My Magic Article Doubler

by Elaine Currie

Promotion of your website will take up the largest part of your business budget when you have an online marketing business. There are many ways of advertising your business online. Indeed, you will be overwhelmed by the number of companies to be found on the Internet which offer to help you with your advertising needs. Some of these advertising companies charge fairly low rates but I always think free is even better.

Writing and publishing articles is one of the easiest and best ways to get free publicity for your online marketing business. It's very simple: you write articles which you post on your website and also submit the same articles to article directories for publishing.

When you write an article and submit it for publishing, you will have a "resource box" appended to the article. This resource box is a piece of text, usually limited to about 5 lines, which will contain brief details about you or some aspect of your business plus a link back to your website. After an article is accepted by the article directories, it will be available to anyone with an interest in the subject matter. Your article will be read by individuals looking for information on a particular subject and, with any luck, by Ezine publishers who will publish your article in their ezines which will be circulated to their subscribers. In a very short time, your one little article will be responsible for a growing number of links back to your website which will enhance the Internet visibility of your online marketing business.

The viral way in which an article spreads itself rapidly over the Internet is truly astonishing and another amazing feature of article publishing is that you will continue to benefit from links to articles long after you have written them and submitted them to the article directories. Months after you have written, submitted and forgotten about an article, you will be surprised to receive an email asking your permission to use the article in a publication. It's a bit like getting royalties for writing a song; do the work once and get paid over and over again.

Those lovely links back to your website are one thing you want to achieve by publishing articles. There is, however, another way to use articles which you write yourself. If you write an article and publish in only on your own Blog or your own website, the search engines will look favourably upon you since one of the things they are reputed to like is unique content. Now you have a dilemma. Which is better for promoting your online marketing business: broadcasting an article for the links and the possibility of making sales to people who click through from your resource box link or making the article a unique feature of your website?

Dilemma solved: it is really quite easy to do both. You can use the same article for widespread publicity for your online marketing business as well as for unique website content. The way to achieve this is to make subtle changes to the article after it has been submitted to the article directories for publication. You can write an additional paragraph (which preferably should be rich in your chosen keywords) for use with the article only on your website or make subtle changes throughout the article. With a little practice you will be able to do both these things in practically no time at all and produce two quite different pieces of search engine bait from one article. By doing this you can effectively and easily double the advertising value of each article you write.

Ok, I know it's not really magic but you'll find it works like a charm!

About the Author

Elaine Currie publishes articles at her Plug-in Profit Site at: To see more articles go to:

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