These 3 Diet Mistakes Will Stop You Losing Weight

by Jon Allo

if you've tried lots of weight loss programs and had no success you're probably making some major diet mistakes. You can be on the best diet program ever devised, but it won't help you lose weight if your mindset is wrong.

Here are the 3 main diet mistakes that cause many people to give up on their diet program and fail to reach the weight loss that they wanted.

1. Trying To Be Perfect All The Time

Many people feel that for a diet program to work they must do everything perfectly. They think that it is an all-or-nothing approach to the diet plan. One of the worst diet mistakes is thinking that if you do not exactly follow your diet plan all of the time, there's no point following it at all.

This thought process put you under a lot of pressure and makes you feel like a failure if you do slip up. Just because you have not followed the plan exactly does not mean that you cannot do it any more and so you have to give up. Perfection-related diet mistakes mean that some people will blame the smallest slip-up as an excuse to stop the diet.

This issue is hardest for dieters who follow very strict diet programs where no treats are allowed. Your weight loss does not have to be a straight downward line. It's OK to have occasional diet mistakes, slips and gains along the way, as long as the overall trend is downward. And it's much better in the long term to lose weight slowly as the weight is more likely to stay off that way.

2. Crash Diet Plans

Another one of the classic dieting mistakes is using a weight loss program as a temporary crash diet plan and then stopping it once you have reached your target weight. This crash diet planning is the second of our major diet mistakes.

People on crash diets will usually pick very limited eating plans and then go back to their previous eating habits once the diet ends. This is one of the most common weight loss mistakes because, in most cases, all of the weight goes straight back on after the diet has finished.

It is much better to pick an eating plan that is a lifestyle change which you can easily stick to in the long term. You need a permanent way of eating to lose weight so that you can remain at your target weight once you achieve it.

3. No Diet Objective

The third of our big diet mistakes is about having the wrong objective. The diet objective should be clear and achievable. In terms of weight loss, this means that as well as having an idea of your ideal weight or clothes size, you should also set smaller objectives along the way, and reward yourself for each one achieved (but not with food!). Make your final objective flexible and as you approach it, it doesn't matter if you want to change it.

About the Author

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please visit

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