The Awnings can be made with transparent plastics

Awnings canvas

by Carlos Mello

The Awnings can be made with transparent plastics

By Carlos Mello

The Awning crystal, known as " transparent " curtain, it is indicated for closing of atmospheres that need to protect against the cold, the wind and the moderate rain, without losing the visibility, because their main characteristic is the transparency.

The awning crystal doesn't have the internal plot, therefore their mechanics qualities are limited and inferior to the one of the canvas of PVC. If be picked up wet and stay closed for some time, the water doesn't evaporate and " penetrates " in the crystal, leaving it with a characteristic " milk ".

This problem will disappears completely after some time open " taking sun ".

The manufacturing of the awning crystal is in two ways:

Horizontal welds:

Less numbers of welds, however can have shrink in the width after some weeks, because the product doesn't possess the internal plot. Due to the static energy generated by the attrition in the rolling up and the extremely flat surface, the awning Crystal " glues " if it is coiled for several hours.

Vertical welds (recommended):

There will be a weld on average each 1.35 meters and whole strips are used.

In the center or in the extremities there will be a smaller strip in agreement with the use of the material. In the lateral ones, there will be reinforcement in Crystal (equal the amendment) of 2.5 centimeters.

In the sense of the vertical welds the shrink doesn't exist, however, when opening the awning crystal they will appear waves, which will disappear in few minutess.

Comparing with the horizontal weld, that vertical method " glues " less when coiled.

About the Author:

Carlos Mello is the Director of Arquitetoldos, an awnings manufacturing company. See the sites and .

About the Author

Carlos Mello is the Director of Arquitetoldos, an awnings manufacturing company. See the sites and .

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