How to Have the Perfect Family Beach Vacation

Family vacation can be great fun.

by Nathalie Fiset

Although no place can compare to the comfort offered by your own home, it can also hold certain bad memories for you and your family. If you and your family need a time to bond with each other, consider having a family beach vacation and letting the white sand, cool breeze, and roaring waves soothe away past hurt and rebuild the ties within your family.

Tips for Having a Perfect Family Beach Vacation

Where to have a family beach vacation Beaches – The first thing you have to look for is the perfect beach for your family. While it doesn’t have to be private, a beach that isn’t too crowded is certainly better as kids aren’t really blessed with lots of patience and a high tolerance for discomfort. Make sure also that the beach you’re intending to visit is one appropriate for kids; it would be pretty hard to explain to them after all when you accidentally take them to a nudists’ beach and they see all the naked people there.

Housing – When you’ve found the right beach, the next thing to search for is the right accommodation. Do you wish to stay on a hotel or a resort? Perhaps you would wish to rent a cottage instead of a room? How much budget do you have for your accommodation? If your kids wish to bring your family pet with you, will your accommodation allow for pets?

Area – Once you’ve determined where to live, the last thing to do is scout the area and try finding out what types of activities and events can you expect to engage in and which will provide lots of fun not only for you and your partner but your kids as well.

What to do before, during and after a family beach vacation Packing – Make sure that you bring clothes that are appropriate for the weather in your destination. Pack as lightly as you can but don’t skimp on necessities. Bring floating devices with you to reduce the chances of harm befalling on any of your kids. Skincare products are also important especially if you intend to hit the beach in the heat of summer. Make sure that you bring shades and lots of sun block.

Delegating – Don’t make any concrete plans until you’ve successfully obtained a vacation leave or anything similar to it from your boss. Ask favors from neighbors or friends to keep an eye on your mail and your house. This will take your mind off troubles at home and allow you to have more fun with your family.

Traveling – Never allow your kids to hit the road with an empty stomach as this will only make them more irritable than usual. Make pit stops frequently to allow your kids to stretch their legs and visit the rest room regularly. Entertain your kids with toys, activities, games, and stories during the ride to keep them from noticing the amount of time they’re spending cooped inside a car.

You should also consider renting out a portable DVD player to allow your kids to watch their favorite programs or movies while you’re on your way to your vacation destination.

Having Fun – When you get there, have your kids freshen up and rest a bit before hitting the beach. Make sure that your kids are all properly attired and their skins properly protected from harmful UV rays. Warn them continuously about the dangers of swimming too far and without adult supervision. Nevertheless, don’t allow your kids to leave unaccompanied and especially if the weather channel hints about an unfavorable climate.

Allow them to have snacks while swimming as this will make their vacations twice as better. To make things more interesting and pleasant for your kids, you can give them basic surfing and diving lessons and accompany them when trying out different water sports and activities.

Take lots of pictures because no moment is the same with another.

In the end, of course, no matter how much planning and preparation you make, you or anyone in your family are liable to commit mistake and make the vacation anything but perfect. Even circumstances and fate can certainly rain on your parade. Even so, the important thing to remember that it’s never the place but always the company that will make family beach vacations count.

About the Author

Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: or

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