Article Submission - 5 Things To Do For Successful Article Submissions
Article submission is growing in leaps and bounds. Nearly all savvy net users have caught onto submitting articles as a necessary Google PR enhancer or just to let people know your website exists. Of course there's always plenty of tips and tricks floating around forums and the like about how to sneak in a few extra links here and there that will build your sites link back.
Well, there are some things to be aware of if your think this is the way to go, looking for those tricks and applying them into your sites marketing strategy. Firstly, jamming heaps of your site URLs into your article is going to make the Article Submission Site your submitting to flag your efforts as possible spam which you do not want at all. There are plenty more issues you should consider when submitting articles, and we'll discuss 10 of them here.
1: Make Your Article Content Real Too many times I have deleted many an article submitted to our site because of the inflammatory misuse of convoluted words, meanings and basic grammar problems. When writing an article, make sure you know what you are writing about. People aren't stupid, dumb or unintelligent. In fact most people are quite onto what you are trying to do when stuffing your website URL into an article as a basis of subject content. Just write like you know it and you'll do better than most other writers seeking back links.
2: Forget About The Buzz Title Lately I've noticed an ever increasing wam bam title added to a non wam bam article. Like T.W. (Tom Waite's) stated once "The Big Print Giveth, The Small Print Taketh Away". How true this is. If you have a big blah title about something then surely you are trying to write for an advertisement letter or worse, a news press release. Most people don't give a hoot about advertising and are very used to identifying an ad title so they won't actually read your article.
In fact, they will more than likely turn off your article and remember you as the person who wrote it. So the next time you submit an article, no matter how important or real it is, people will just see that it's you who wrote it and leave, no questions or second chance given. I mean, would you give a second chance to any obvious spammer? I think not.
3: Make It At Least 450 Words Long All too many articles we receive are way too short on word count to be of any significance or relevance to the subject of the article. Look at a press release, these are usually 150-300 words in length and are designed to "sell, sell, sell". Now think about your article, do you want to just sell to the reader or are you trying to stimulate your readers.
The latter is the focus that should be targeted for. People want interesting things to read from people who know what they are writing about, so having an article that basically is an extended press release is not only boring but, insulting at the same time. You'd do well to keep away from this type of bad press.
4: Always Make Yourself Contactable This is a big yes. Your article and it's content will be viewed by hundreds if not thousands of people all over the www. Having a real email address and name goes a long way into your credibility and realism. We've seen so many writers disguise their names, email address and in some cases, websites so they don't have to be contacted and what for I ask you.
The only tangible reason someone would want to contact about your article is to express their thoughts or experiences in relation to your article. If they want to contact you for some other reason like advertising products or services and so on, then junk mail tag them, easy, problem solved. If there's other reasons that are most serious than advertising then there's plenty of web sites that you can submit to that will "black ban" these types of marketing vultures. Being available makes people feel as tho they are dealing with real people. Which is what you are, right?
5: Don't Copy Now this is an easy one. Remember at school, the kid next to you seems to have the right answers or is doing the test with ease and you want a little "help". You think you'll ask if you can copy some of their answers, that should help you, right? Wrong! When you copy some article content that's been round for a while and you think no-one will notice, think about this.
All the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN do in fact identify duplicated content based on a points scoring system. In other words, even if you replace a few words or even sentence or two to cover your tracks, the majority of the content is left basically the same. This is the area that the major search engines focus on.
Their robots devour the content and then score your page, article, content or what ever and if your score is a high one, they will, without any notice, place a "watch this guy" flag onto your content and rate your content as irrelevant or the same as someone else's. This type of press you don't need. In fact this type of press would most definitely get your site listed low in search results for any keyword or phrase your trying to gain on.
One last thing to remember. Always check your submissions. Always keep an eye on where your words are. Always make sure you date your article, this is the insurance tag for when someone copies your work and tries to pass if off as their own.
All the best article writing to you form Articles FYI
About the Author
Zax Stevens is a writer. He writes for web sites, press releases, advertising companies and also articles that he deems to be "important" for the people. Zax also runs Articles FYI and has been writing for many other article web sites trying to "clean up" the article writing community, one article at a time.
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