Your eBook Resale Right: Is Selling eBooks The Right Move For Me?

by Will Dean

The underlying question for everyone who wants to start making money on the internet is, “Is Selling eBooks Right The Right Move For Me?”. You’ve probably read everywhere that selling an eBook resale right is one of the fastest and easiest (if not the fastest and easiest) ways to make money on the internet. That part is true because it is easy to do…if you know how.

Internet gurus often mistake everyone for advanced entrepreneurs because they want to skip the steps that they think aren’t important. It’s those small steps that take the longest to learn and fill the gaps because if you miss certain steps, you won’t be able to progress and thus, won’t make money. To avoid having to waste precious time and money, you should take a look and see what you’re getting yourself into. Time and Effort are the 2 major concerns I have for future eBook resellers.

Time & Effort: These are the biggest concerns I have to people who don’t know what they’re getting themselves into. Depending on how you market your website, you can take anywhere from 1 day to 2 months just setting everything up before your advertise. If you’re planning on just buying and selling an eBook resale right without creating your own website, it could be as easy as changing the contact details on the webpage templates given to you. This may work for you, but in most cases it won’t generate a lot of income because you haven’t branded yourself.

If you are planning on creating a website to sell your products, it’s probably a longer term commitment that will likely make you more money. This issue is that creating a website can be very time consuming, even if you borrow an already made template. I’m assuming you don’t want to hire a webpage designer because it could cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Designing your own decent webpage will take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2-3 months – especially if you’re a beginner.

After you’ve created a website and worked out the kinks (which takes more time than you think), you’ll need to advertise. Oh boy, this step may take even more time. You’ve heard writing articles and joining forums (to name a few methods) are great free advertising schemes. If you don’t know how to write an article, you’ll need to read some to get a general feel. Above that, you’ll need to designate time to read lots of information regarding your topic so that you’ll get the hits you desire. People won’t read articles if they’re not considered helpful and so you may be wasting time and effort after you spent so long designing your website. Oh, did I mention you’ll need to learn a little HTML so you can troubleshoot your website – you will indeed come across subtle problems that will need HTML support from your HTML editor.

Let’s say you write 2 articles per day, which takes about 1 hour each as a beginner. You will speed up this timeframe as you continue, but remember not to just blab and waste space. You’ll need to research further if you’re stuck on your articles so that you have circumstantial evidence to back up the facts.

Now that you’ve gotten about 50 articles worth about 100 hours (1-2 months if you are doing this religiously) you may not find that you’re generating sales even if you have some traffic. This is where you find that you’ve done so much that you can’t turn back. It’s time to do some more to generate traffic and sales: you could be looking to purchasing an autoresponder so that people can sign up on your website for newsletters and promotions. You’ll need to put more time and effort into implementing sales letters and tips to be sent to your growing clientele list on a weekly basis, if not more. Subscriptions are great ways to collect and keep leads. This will set you back another 30-60min each time you write your newsletter (send about once or twice per week). Already, you’ll spending a total of at least 2-3 hours per day writing articles and newsletters. A blog is also great for advertising so you’ll need to set aside 10-30min everyday to post one. I don’t do it everyday but it is recommended.

You’ll also want to hook up with affiliates, which you will take about 20-40min per day doing for the first few months after the finalization of your website. You’ll need to research which affiliates are the best to go with and you’ll need to converse and convince them to join you.

Plan on spending 2-4 hours per day for the first 6 months composed of setting up your website and advertising campaigns. You’ll likely come across other methods of promoting, so be wearing of your timeline and budget yourself. Money is not the issue here, time and effort is. Good luck!

About the Author

Will Dean is an ebook marketer that has established his online businesses and is enjoying a healthy life from the internet. He enjoys helping beginner eBook resale right sellers with their internet ventures based on low cost start-ups. You can learn more about ebook resales and view special purchase packages at

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