Natural Yeast Infection Remedies Are Perfect Yeast Fighters

by Davion Wong

Natural yeast infection remedies are preferred by the health-conscious. Even though over-the-counter and prescribed treatments are easily available, those who are looking for more lasting solutions to their yeast infection problem are now turning to natural remedies for yeast infection. Simply put, most natural yeast infection remedies are not only effective in combating yeast infection, they can be used on a more regular basis without any harmful repercussions on our health.

Natural yeast infection remedies can be easy to prepare. Folks always have this mindset that grabbing a medication or two at the pharmacy or clinic is the easiest and most convenient thing to do. This is not actually the case as natural yeast infection remedies too can be concocted with homemade ingredients. You get to save money and time waiting for consultation with your doctor.

We have a number of natural yeast infection remedies that have been reported to provide quick relief and healing for yeast infection.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 1 – Plain Yoghurt

You may have heard about this. Yoghurt is rich in acidophilus which is a natural yeast killer. Use only non-flavored yoghurt without sugar content. There are different ways to use yoghurt to cure yeast infection. You can either apply it directly in the vagina using a yoghurt-dipped tampon or douche with water. Some folks prefer it to be frozen as a popsicle. It is said to be extremely soothing though you would experience a slight sting initially. Eating yoghurt brings the acidophilus directly into our bodies. Normally the yeast infection would go off in a matter of days.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 2 – Acidophilus

Its effect was explained earlier in plain yoghurt. You can get hold of pure acidophilus in certain foods, milks and diary products. Head to the supermarket for some shopping and read the product labels. Alternatively, you can find them in powdered form at health food shops.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 3 – Gentian Violet

Smear gentian violet over the yeast infected area. Remember to wear a pad when you use this remedy. It probably works after the first round of treatment.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 4 – Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent natural yeast infection remedies. But we would not recommend using it as a direct topical medication because of its sting. Dilute it with water as a douche or take a bath in the apple cider vinegar-water solution.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 5 – Buttermilk

Buttermilk would build up your resistance against yeast infection. Be sure to drink at least one glass daily during the infected period. The yeast infection should clear up much faster.

Read up on more potent natural remedies for yeast infection at my blog and discover secret treatment methods that can cure your yeast infection within hours using completely safe and natural yeast infection remedies.

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About the Author

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at

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