How to Handle the References Stall
Copyright (c) 2015 Mr. Inside Sales
How do you handle it when a prospect asks you for a reference? Do you dutifully provide them with a list of clients they can call? And, if you do, how many of your prospects actually call those references? More importantly, do those prospects that call references ever close?
In my experience when a prospect asks me for references they rarely - if ever - become clients. It's not that my references are bad (you'll going to see a rebuttal you can use that will address this) in fact, the references I give are of raving fans that have used me to great impact both professionally and personally. But still, in my experience, references don't help close the sale.
The reason for this is that asking for references always means the same thing: your prospect isn't sold on your company or solution. When they ask you for a reference, they have something particular in mind that they want to know more about, and they suspect that you (or your company) can't provide it. Because of this, asking for a reference is just a way to stall so they can continue to do research on other companies to find the one that addresses their main (and hidden) concern.
That's why more than half of prospects who ask for a reference don't ever call them.
So the way to handle the reference stall (which is what it really is) is to isolate it and get your prospect to reveal what the real concern is. And the way to do that is to use one of the scripts below:
Stall: "Do you have some references I could call?"
Response One:
"Absolutely. As you can imagine, I have a folder filled with happy and satisfied clients. But _________, let me ask you - do you think I would give you a bad reference?"
[Let them respond]
"Of course not. I'm only going to give you clients who love us and what we do for them. So what that tells me is that there is something you're either not convinced will work for you yet, or that you don't think this is quite the fit you're looking for. So, while you have me on the phone, please, level with me - what's the real issue that's holding you back?"
Response Two:
"I'd be happy to provide you with a reference or two, and let me ask you: if after you speak with them you hear what you need to hear, are you going to move forward with us and put us to work for you?"
[If yes]
"Great! Then hang on just a moment and let me get a client on the phone, and I'll conference you in. After you're done with your conversation, we can get you signed up..."
Response Three:
"_________, when someone asks you for a reference for your company or service, have you ever found that some people never even call the references?"
[Let them respond]
"And don't you get the feeling that there is just something that's holding them back and they just aren't quite sold on your company yet?"
[Let them respond]
"Well, since you've got me on the phone right now, why don't you tell me what's holding you back or what you're concerned with, and I'll see if I can answer it for you."
Response Four:
"I'd be happy to. Now ________, as you might imagine, I've got all different kinds of clients using this, so do me a favor: let me know the things that are concerning you, and I'll then match you up with the right reference who can address those things for you."
As you can see - when someone asks you for a reference, the most important thing you can do is isolate this stall and get your prospect to reveal what the real concern is. Unless you find out what that is, not only will your prospect not call your reference, but they may never call you back again either...
About the Author
Mike Brooks is founder and principle of Mr. Inside Sales, a Los Angeles based inside sales consulting and training firm, and author of the award winning books on inside sales: "The Real Secrets of the Top 20%," and his new book, "The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts."
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