Can I get a mortgage with CCJs ?

County Court Judgement Mortgages

by Damian Youell

Can I get a mortgage with CCJs ?

Whether you are a first time buyer looking for your first home or a homeowner looking for a lender to consolidate your debts. If you have County Court Judgments CCJs or other kinds of bad credit history then getting finance for a Mortgage can be difficult. Unfortunately because you have missed payments in the past banks, building societies and other lenders tend to think you will do the same in the future.

Fortunately all is not lost nowadays due to increased competition lenders are eager to get every bit of business they can. This has led the way many mortage lenders bringing out specialized products for bad credit customers with CCJs, defaults or mortage arrears. Obviously interest rates offered for this kind of product is higher than normal mortgage or remortgage products.

If you use conventional methods of applying for CCJ mortgages or a remortgage then the results may be disapointing. Normal banks and building society lenders are not that accommodating when it comes to bad credit CCJs, defaults, arrears and bad credit people. You need to apply to expert independent mortage advisers who have access to a much larger range of mortgage lenders.

To get more information visit expert help and advice and free ebooks to remove county court judgments.

About the Author

Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans and debt advice.

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