How to turn your Web Site into a Free lead Generation Machine

by Daegan Smith

Websites, needless to say, are here to say. Relatively affordable to operate and has a global reach, websites can help you expand your business operations. There are cases that in fact, websites, can be your main source for a new venture. It seems natural for businesses, no matter how big or small they are, to have websites to keep consumers informed and updated on the products and services that they have.There is one big problem however. How come there are websites that actually help businesses to sell its products and services yet at the same time, there are those that remain unknown to consumers and drain the businesses’ money, instead of helping them earn additionally? For many businesses that own websites, this is their question: How come their websites do not attract potential consumers and serve as additional source of revenue? Aren’t websites built precisely for that? For many businesses with web sites, these online resources are built for a variety of reasons, among them:• Get, as many as possible, prospects for its products;• Help businesses create a short list of prospective consumers;• Turning prospective online surfers to stop being just that – prospective surfers – and actually buy products and services from businesses; and • Ultimately, turn these clients to purchase products and services from businesses on a continuing and long-term basis. If, for example, your website actually is meeting all the said functions above, then great! Your website actually helps your income. But if it is not, then probably it is the best time to review or evaluate your website’s problems and reasons for not doing so.Countless marketing websites offer various products and services that say they could help your website to be a top lead generation machine (that is, your website draws “leads” or sales from online consumers). Although, these websites may offer genuine and helpful information to you, most of these products and services are expensive and seem to provide general information on how to improve you website’s lead generation capabilities. Actually, you can improve your website on your own. You are responsible for the success or failure of your website. With these tips below, you can start improving your website’s sales potential.1. Is the nature of your business or company, including your products and services, immediately available to the website? The website has to immediately and clearly state what your business or company is. Information on the products and services you sell should be immediately available. Otherwise, why would someone take his or her time to look at your site? It would be a waste of time if an online prospect is having a hard time looking for a product or service information. The longer he or she lingers around your website looking how much a product costs, the lesser the chances of buying that product. You also have to state on your location. Are you based in just one state? In another country? What if for example, someone orders a product halfway around the world, is it possible? And how much the cost would be?Are your links, both text and images, working? If someone clicks on a link, would that link go to the webpage that he or she is most likely looking for? Or is it not? Worse, you have linking errors? 2. What is the selling proposition of your business or your company? Is it clear in the website? Prospects should know why choosing your business is the best choice compared with others. What are the reasons someone would buy your product or service compared with your competitor? Are these reasons reflected in the website? How do you substantiate your claims? If you got testimonies or experts praising your product or service, you have to show that they are credible endorsers? Explain in the website the necessary experience and knowledge of these people. Give your users their credentials. In that way, they know that they can trust with your company, and possibly, purchase your goods.If there are any, show the awards or certifications received by your business or company from consumer or industry associations. 3. Does the website offer additional information or resources if a customer buys something from your company or business? These are added come-ons for customers. Services like technical or administrative customer support in the website, if available, should be clearly stated in the website. This will give an assurance to customers that if something goes wrong with a product or service they purchased, they could easily contact you via the website.Make them an offer they can't refuseIf you want your prospects to respond, you have to give them a convincing reason to do so. Keep the phrase "what's in it for me?" in mind as you're writing your ad's call to action. It's what your prospects are thinking as they decide whether or not they will take the time or effort to respond. It will have a noticeable effect on B2B sales leads generation.Consider offering application notes showing how other buyers solved their problems using your product or service. Offering a useful premium or advertising specialty can also significantly increase the number of responses. However, try to make sure your offer is of interest only to qualified prospects. For example, a tool for sizing rings would be an attractive offer only to people who use rings. However, everyone might want a free pocket screwdriver set and inquire only to get it, not because they have a need for your product or service.Many of your prospects may want to try your product before they buy it. If you can cost-effectively offer samples or a demonstration CD, you will generate more inquiries as part of your B2B sales leads generation program.4. Offer consumers features and add-ons that would entice them to buy Convince your prospects that they need to buy your product or service. Tell them that they need or want this product or service. Explain how other users benefited from it. In that way, they become convinced the capability of your product or service and hopefully buy it. Consider offering application notes showing how other buyers solved their problems using your product or service. 5. Is ordering in the website hassle-free? Try to make ordering in your website as hassle- and worry-free as possible. Surfing should be as smooth as possible. No complicated ordering forms as well as processes. Is payment information stored for future buyers?6. Is your company or business accessible enough for consumers? Contact information of your company or business should be in the website. And this does not mean just electronic mail. Telephone numbers, feedback forms, among others, should be easily available on the site. 7. Good writing is the key.Of course, any good website means good writing. Write clear and simple. Focus on your market’s needs and wants. Try to get to them that going to your website is not a worthless thing to do. These tips, when used, can help your website into a more active sales generator for you.

About the Author

Daegan Smith is the leader of the fastest growing team of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and how to get in on the action FREE at

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