Tips To Help You Increase Your Adsense Revenue!

by Kanwaljit Kaur

The google adsense program can be an extremely powerful way to make money online. If you own a website that receives good levels of traffic then you have a good opportunity to make money with adsense. If you do not own a site then you need to learn how to create one and optimize it for the search engines. I recommend you read more articles on search engine optimization to help you do this.

The first step is to apply for the adsense program and the website you use to apply is important. Make sure that your site looks professional and complete. You can also use a blog from Blogger to apply. Make sure to make a few useful posts before applying. There is a new You tube videos feature in the program that you can also add to your site.

The effectiveness of this new feature is yet to be proven so it is something you can test later on after you have mastered the basic layouts and formats and optimized your site for adsense. If you do intend to use this feature perhaps it is best to make sure that the videos are selected by you and are of non commercial type. Look for relevant tutorial type videos that will keep visitors on your site instead of having them go to the You tube site.

Remember that ads should only go on content rich pages. Make sure to have ads above the fold on your site. This means that you want ads on the part of your site that visitors first see without having to scroll down. The first step before you put any ads is to make sure that you have channels enabled so you can track your ads.

Make sure to add a custom channel for your site so you can check the effectiveness of the current ads on your site. It is very easy to setup, just click on the 'add channels' link and then click 'custom channels' and then add in the url of the site you want to track. Also be sure to add the ads towards the middle of your pages if possible. This is the part of the page that most people focus on so putting ads there will get them noticed much more.

Your ads must blend into your site as much as possible. Removing borders from the ads is a good way to get people to notice the ads more since the borders tend to cause people to ignore the ads since they subconsciously associate the borders with advertising. Also if the links on your site are red then make sure the links in the ads are also red. Also if you can, try to get the size of the text in your ads to be the same as those of your site.

Make sure to add at least one ad unit at the bottom of the page, this will give your visitors somewhere to go once they have finished reading the content on that page. A 468 x 15 link unit at the bottom of the page can also work well as it will look like a natural part of the navigation on your site. Also a 468x15 link unit at the top of the page can also be effective as long as it fits in well with the navigation.

Also use html tables to add some ad units directly into article content by having the content wrap around the ads. A good way to do this is to add a 336x280 or 250x250 ad unit depending on the width of your text under the main title and then you can add maybe one more under another sub header. Remember to never squeeze your content otherwise you will lose visitors since they cannot read your articles easily. Do not diminish the user experience to try to increase your click through rates.

Most visitors expect some ads on a site so add them in as discreetly and naturally as possible. Also make sure that the niche you are in has many adwords advertisers because this will ensure more relevant ads and also a better pay per click since the average bid will be higher. Use some of these tips to help you make the most money from adsense.

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