Chicago Water Damage and Suspicions of Mold

by Josh Allen

There are two ways you might suspect mold from Chicago water damage. You might smell something or you might be experiencing symptoms. You should try and locate the mold or hire a professional to find the mold for you.

If you have had Chicago water damage and your home or building begins to smell moldy then you might have mold growing within the structure. If you do begin to smell something that doesn’t sit right with you then you should look around the structure of the home to see if you can find the source of the smell.

If you do have mold you don’t always have a strong and noticeable smell. You might begin to notice symptoms mold could cause you or your family. You could be getting sick or develop symptoms of allergies like you have hay fever. Mold can cause watery and red eyes, a running nose, and even constant sneezing. People who suffer from asthma may have serious attacks if there is mold on the premises.

If you suspect you have mold from Chicago water damage then you should look for the mold. The most common places mold grows after flooding is on the backsides of drywall, wallpaper, and paneling. You might also look above ceiling tiles and underneath the carpeting and padding on the floors. There are other locations mold could be hiding in your home that include inside of the walls surrounding wet pipes, inside ductwork, in the roof if the insulation is not sufficient, and more.

If you suspect mold in your home because of a smell or you are experiencing symptoms of mold then you should search for it. If you cannot locate mold in your home then you should hire a professional to locate the mold so it can be completely removed. Mold needs to be located in a home so you can stop the problem causing it and prevent illness.

About the Author

Leo Nov is an editorial staff member of, a leading service provider for water damage cleanups. To learn more about Water Damage Cleanup Chicago, IL and Water Damage Restoration Chicago, IL, visit

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